Irish Daily Mirror

Teeth whitening


Yes, you can attempt to whiten your teeth with over-the-counter products, but most of them contain peroxide which can result in burns to your gums. Teeth whitening which bleaches your teeth is best done by a dentist.

How is it done?

Your dentist will make you a mouthguard and show you how to use the bleaching gel which you leave on overnight for two to four weeks. Another method is laser whitening where a bleaching product is painted on to your teeth, then a laser is shone on it to activate the whitening.

Does the health service provide teeth whitening services?

Only if there’s a medical reason for it, for example, to lighten teeth that have discoloure­d because the nerve has died. Otherwise it can only be done privately because it’s considered a cosmetic treatment.

What questions should I ask my dentist before going ahead?

Ask about the types of whitening treatment available, what results you can expect, the risks and whether the work is guaranteed for a certain period of time. Always ask for a written treatment plan and price estimate.

Is it permanent?

No, but it can last from a few months to up to three years. If you smoke or drink red wine, tea or coffee, your teeth will stain quicker. Whitening won’t work on dentures, crowns, fillings or veneers.

What are the risks?

Your gums can be sensitive to the chemicals used, especially if you already have sensitive teeth. There’s also a chance of burns to gums and some kits can even harm a tooth’s enamel.

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