Irish Daily Mirror

Behind the gli

We put in hard work to make it look so easy


AJ & celeb partner Lauren The routines may often look effortless but there are dozens of hours a week put into making them look that way.

Dancer AJ admits it is always incredibly busy.

After spending the first part of the week training in the dance studio, the pair head to Elstree for rehearsals on the Strictly floor.

AJ says: “Non-stop, that’s the best way to describe Strictly. You’re always on the move.”

On Friday the couples rehearse their routines three times in the space where the live shows are filmed.

AJ says: “After practising in the studio it never quite feels the same when you get to rehearsals.

“Plus you’re getting used to using the props. Once, we had one chair in training as a prop and then we got to the studio on the Friday to find our actual prop and it’s like, ‘Oh wait... that’s now 6ft high’ or now we’ve got like a million chairs.”

And there is more than the pairs’ dances to think about. For the pros like AJ, there is a group dance to learn.

“Between dancing with our partners we’ll suddenly have to do the same thing with our group number,” he says.

“Sometimes you’re so focused on the dance with your partner you have forgotten the pro number!” Every live show has its moments and even off camera there is plenty that can go wrong with a show like Strictly.

AJ says: “There was one amazing moment with one of our lifts in the Charleston.

“I had to pop Lauren on my shoulders and do a 360-degree turn and Lauren had to go down towards the floor. I had to make sure she didn’t hit the floor.

“So I had to throw her up and put her on my shoulders. I got her in the air and then she ended up landing on my head and literally just sat there.

“I was frozen and I didn’t know what to do. Luckily, there was a crash mat – but I’ll never forget that.” Once they’re primed and

Tv-ready, the pro dancers like nothing more than a nap.

AJ Pritchard says: “The boys’ changing room is the most relaxing place ever.

“We get an hour or two before the live show, so we just switch the lights off and lie down in the dark. I ended up falling asleep. Giovanni fell asleep. All the pros just fall asleep. We have a group power nap where we’re all out of it.”

Who can blame them? It’s an exhausting gig but the dancers keep going somehow.

AJ adds: “When you get to the live show, you are absolutely knackered and just running on adrenaline.

“It just flies by because everybody is having so much fun.”

million was the peak viewing figure so far this season

cans of hairspray and 57 litres of fake tan are used each series

Even though the dancers are run off their feet, there is still time for chats with hosts Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman, who prefer to dress down off-camera.

AJ says: “We always see Tess and Claudia backstage, where they wear their comfy clothes. Claudia is always in some sort of onesie and comfy shoes.

“Tess is always a bit more smart-casual but Claudia, she goes for a big hoodie, nice slippers... basically how we all want to be in a studio.”

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