Irish Daily Mirror



Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

By nature, you’re inclined to be totally realistic and practical. Now however, with the Sun about to enter your sign, you should be a lot more daring and positive. Great timing! But what you say or do is no accident today. Do you need to point that out? Follow your heart.

For more call 15609 11444

Aquarius Jan 21–Feb 19

Private or confidenti­al meetings will prove strangely reassuring. Except that there is a tendency to dwell far too long, instead of following your instincts today. Obviously, you are not convinced that others are telling the whole truth. You won’t tell a sworn secret, though.

For more call 15609 11445

Pisces Feb 20–Mar 20

Oddly enough you will probably accept an invitation today. Well, it’s kind of hard to say no or stand someone up. After that you could be summoned by the powers that be. This is a special appearance, with a difference. You didn’t come to pose anyway. Nice to be wanted.

For more call 15609 11446

Aries March 21–April 20

There appears to be one thing you are obsessed with achieving. Though, so far this has proved a flight of fancy. Now however, you could have others working on your behalf, even if you challenge the reason behind it today. Maybe your expectatio­ns are too high. There are no barriers left! For more call 15609 11447

Taurus April 21–May 21

With the sun about to move into Capricorn you might veer further afield or fondly revisit a place or person you never wanted to leave. Naturally, you will have to pay your own way, mileage included. However, what you are buying into may be more substantia­l than you thought.

For more call 15609 11448

Gemini May 22–June 20

Personally, you’re indebted to someone. But you are still probably waiting to receive what you are owed. Perhaps you are too embarrasse­d to ask? And yet it would be beneficial to give others the benefit of the doubt today. True, this might be a stretch. You want help? It’s here.

For more call 15609 11449 miirrroorr.c.coo.u.ukk//hhoorrooss­ccooppeess

Cancer June 21–July 22

No doubt the sun moving into Capricorn shortly will make partners or certain individual­s react positively to any requests. That’s a surprise, but of course this comes with its own set of obligation­s and rules. How far do you have to go? No matter, it’s a job worth doing.

For more call 15609 11450

Leo July 23–August 22

Much is expected of you, and you won’t disappoint. By rights you should be enjoying a revival at work. While on a personal level you need to be more explicit about your demands today. A question will be answered, if it makes you wince. A big change happens before your eyes.

For more call 15609 11451

Virgo Aug 23–Sept 22

The words love and togetherne­ss may be bandied about a lot. Whether the two shall meet is another matter. Merely that what is suggested is pretty blatant, and no doubt the truth will hit home today. Do you actually want to live together with somebody, and lose your identity? For more call 15609 11452

Libra Sept 23–Oct 23

You may have to tell certain people to mind their own business. Nor is it possible to understate how protective you are of the family. In other ways you should be happy to go with the flow today. For what is being planned is completely irresistib­le. Try to look lively.

For more call 15609 11453

Scorpio Oct 24–Nov 22

Having struggled to connect or communicat­e with various individual­s, you should be capable of both today. However, there may be mention of an outstandin­g debt. This is spoken about, but not fulfilled. Not that you will lose out, even if you have to accept what is not good for you. For more call 15609 11454

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 –Dec 21

True, they say that money talks. And what is proposed sounds fair enough, even if you are in dispute over the amount today. That’s not all. Because there are other issues you can’t ignore – intensely personal ones. Be fearless, regardless of the fact that others are talking rubbish.

For more call 15609 11455

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