Irish Daily Mirror

Leo and co face tough New Year


THE political circus is still in town despite Taoiseach Leo Varadkar signing a confidence and supply deal with Fianna Fail just weeks ago.

The wafer-thin majority that is keeping the Government afloat is wearing down and Mr Varadkar says an election could happen sooner rather than later.

The current term has already seen Denis Naughten resign from his position as Minister of Communicat­ions.

With Brexit looming, it feels like the issues we’re facing are showing no sign of leaving.

The housing crisis continues to worsen with far too few affordable homes being constructe­d.

Health Minister Simon Harris’ handling of the Cervicalch­eck scandal leaves much to be desired.

But that’s before you even look at the dire situation INMO nurses are in and their planned industrial action in the New Year.

Despite it all, there is still a light provided in the darkness.

Charities including the Capuchin Day Centre and Samaritans are making sure those who need it most had support over the festive season that is tough for so many.

It shouldn’t be up to these people to be protecting those who are less fortunate – that should be done by our Government.

But as time ticks on, it feels like there is an encroachin­g expiry date on Leo and the boys.

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