Irish Daily Mirror


- horoscopes


March 21–April 20

If you’re tired of carrying out the same routine every day, it is time for a change. You’re too ambitious to remain stuck where you are for very much longer. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears to the ground. A job opening that’s about to come up will put you on a much better path.

For more call 1560903220­1


April 21 – May 21

Your imaginatio­n is working overtime. Choose jobs that will allow you to make good use of your creative talents. Writing, artistic and musical projects will bring satisfacti­on. No matter what you are doing, you want to add some personal touches. Your boss will appreciate your original approach.

For more call 1560903220­2


May 22 –June 21

Making a presentati­on will boost your reputation. Don’t be surprised when invitation­s to give more talks start pouring in. If you’re offered the chance to join a profitshar­ing venture, this will be well worth your considerat­ion. Are you single? You could meet someone special at a cultural gathering.

For more call 1560903220­3


June 22 –July 23

Stay focused on your goals. You need to put all your energy and focus into a job that has lots of responsibi­lity. Taking an organised approach is critical to your success. When obstacles arise, behave as if they don’t exist. This will take your mind off worries that will eventually iron themselves out.

For more call 1560903220­4


July 24 – August 23

A change of plans could turn out to be lucky for you in a number of ways. So although you may not be involved in what you originally had in mind for the day, let others see how flexible you can be. Colleagues have always admired your willingnes­s to roll up your sleeves and dive in.

For more call 1560903220­5


Aug 24 – Sept 23

Expect an increase of responsibi­lities in the workplace. Someone who isn’t capable of handling an important assignment will be asked to step down. Others will be looking to you for leadership because of your ability to put ideas into practice. Feel free to command a good price for your services.

For more call 1560903220­6


Sept 24–Oct 23

You need to put more thought into a potential new venture. You are setting yourself some high targets but, if you are determined, you will reach them. The important thing is to fulfil obligation­s to the best of your ability. Don’t be surprised if your work attracts several admirers.

For more call 1560903220­7


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Word comes your way about a change you had almost given up hope of ever seeing come to fruition. You will be relieved that all the waiting has finally ended. Although you are undeniably nervous about the future, you intuitivel­y know that from today everything is going to be OK.

For more call 1560903220­8


Nov 23 – Dec 21

You’re extremely sensitive to your environmen­t. It’s hard to prioritise when there so much going on around you and there are so many distractio­ns. Working in the background would make it easier for you to fulfil regular responsibi­lities. If you work from home, progress will be substantia­l.

For more call 1560903220­9


Dec 22 –Jan 20

You will be asked to take on more commitment­s because you have a reputation for being reliable. It is always important to you to get the job done right but taking on too much could ultimately be your downfall. You might prefer to do one or two jobs well than to do several in a messy fashion.

For more call 1560903221­0


Jan 21 – Feb 19

AQUARIUS: You’re getting a lot of pleasure from work you do on a profession­al or voluntary basis. If you’re involved with hospitals or charities, expect to be taking on a useful role. People are grateful for the sacrifices you are making to achieve a mutual goal. An important venture will be satisfying.

For more call 1560903221­1


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Your career is flourishin­g. You could be on the move quite a bit but this is what is making your job so interestin­g. If you are looking for work, expanding your social network will help improve your prospects of advancemen­t. A workrelate­d gamble is worth taking and could pay off handsomely.

For more call 1560903221­2

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