Irish Daily Mirror

Irish couple come to the rescue of ill koala in Oz


AN Irish family in Australia has saved a koala dying from a sexually transmitte­d disease.

Seanie and Amanda Farrelly won the trust of the stricken animal while walking in a forest near their home in Brisbane.

It’s estimated tens of thousands of the marsupials suffer from painful and often lethal chlamydia, which can cause blindness, infertilit­y and death.

The animal was trying to climb a tree but hadn’t enough strength to get up the trunk.

Amanda, 41, from Tallaght in Dublin, was out walking when the couple’s labrador Jake started barking to attract her attention.


Seanie, 51, who is originally from Navan, Co Meath, said: “Amanda went over to where Jake was barking and saw the koala on the ground. He was trying to climb a tree but couldn’t.

“Amanda raced back to the house to get me and we returned with some water and a towel to wrap him in as they have very sharp claws and can lash out.

“We rang the animal rescue but their van was broken down so I gave the koala some water and gained his trust to let me pet him.

“I wrapped him in a towel and brought him home and we had the pleasure of his company for about an hour – he even fell asleep in my arms which was the cutest thing ever.”

The koala was taken to Australia Zoo for treatment.

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