Irish Daily Mirror


- horoscopes


March 21–April 20

By adjusting your approach to long-term plans, you are more likely to succeed. You can be incredibly organised and efficient when you want to be and this will surprise someone who knows you to be more impulsive. You’ve set your sights on specific goals and nothing will stand in your way.

For more call 1560903220­1


April 21 – May 21

You love to talk with a partner about art, music and hobbies once enjoyed. Don’t be surprised if they start to encourage you to pursue a childhood goal. Have you been looking for a job? You could land an impressive position at a hospital, university or government agency.

For more call 1560903220­2


May 22 –June 21

A chance to get the advanced training you need to move forward could be offered unexpected­ly. You should welcome this opportunit­y to develop your skills. Working behind the scenes will be profitable and this will give you a chance to observe the way others approach their work.

For more call 1560903220­3


June 22 –July 23

Your boss will ask you to do something unethical. Don’t let anyone make you feel you have no choice. You can make your own decisions. It is better to obey your own conscience than to allow anyone to dictate to you. You’ll have an opportunit­y to meet some interestin­g new people at a party.

For more call 1560903220­4


July 24 – August 23

Finding new ways to make money is your first priority. Resist a temptation to splash out on a luxury purchase. It would be better to be as frugal as possible with your budget at the moment. If you’re interviewi­ng for a position you may need to ask for more money than the new role initially offers.

For more call 1560903220­5


Aug 24 – Sept 23

Tasks within the home will call for a lot of effort and expending of energy. You seem to have no choice but to have to attend to some serious responsibi­lities. There are a few jobs that you can’t put off for a minute longer. A most welcome award or bonus could soon be coming your way.

For more call 1560903220­6


Sept 24–Oct 23

Problems occur due to a friend or colleague’s carelessne­ss. You can’t keep covering up for their mistakes as they expect you to do. Are you in a leadership position? You always apply high standards and it goes against your conscience to put your stamp of approval on their inferior work.

For more call 1560903220­7


Oct 24 – Nov 22

Although you crave excitement, there are better ways to get it than to become involved in secret intrigues. Someone with winning ways will try to draw you into their secret plans. If your intuition tells you not to trust them, steer well clear. Insist on doing things your own way.

For more call 1560903220­8


Nov 23 – Dec 21

If you aren’t impressed with a friend or colleague’s work and they ask for an honest opinion, offer constructi­ve feedback. Follow a piece of criticism with a sincere compliment. Look to a family project for creative challenge. Intellectu­al stimulatio­n is critical to your ongoing happiness.

For more call 1560903220­9


Dec 22 –Jan 20

Don’t be discourage­d if you get passed over for a promotion. A better offer will soon come your way. Someone who has more experience will land a coveted position you had your eyes on, but it’s important to stay calm. Be patient too – your chance to advance is right around the corner.

For more call 1560903221­0


Jan 21 – Feb 19

A fabulous opportunit­y to take charge of an important project will arrive. You’ve been blessed with impressive leadership skills and this is your chance to put these to good use. It may be necessary to work longer hours for the sake of the organisati­on. Flexibilit­y will bring significan­t financial rewards.

For more call 1560903221­1


Feb 20 – Mar 20

Your personal life needs work and this is all because you’ve been spending long hours at the office. A relative feels betrayed as you haven’t been able to keep promises you made them. It will take some time to win back their confidence. Rebuilding family bonds should be your first priority.

For more call 1560903221­2

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