Irish Daily Mirror

Find my mum

Desperate appeal as Frankie, 67, vanishes after school reunion



A SEARCH will resume today for a pensioner who vanished after she attended a school reunion.

Nearly 200 people have joined the hunt for Frankie Devlin, 67, who was last seen in Garryvoe, Co Cork, at around 10.45pm on Saturday.

There has been no trace of her since she attended a function at the Garryvoe Hotel.

Her son Killian said his mother was captured on CCTV shortly before 11pm but what happened after is a mystery.

He added: “My mum is extremely predictabl­e in what she does. She gets up at the same time and has her dinner at the same time. She loves her car boot sales and her matches.

“Nothing like this has ever happened before and we are very worried.

“There hasn’t been a bag, a shoe or an earring found. It is as if she has vanished off the face of the earth.”

Mr Devlin said he is overwhelme­d by the support of locals, gardai, the Coastguard and Cork City Missing Persons who have searched for his mother in miserable weather.

He added: “Just people even giving you a pat on the back is such comfort. Last night I put a notice up on Facebook that we would be searching for her today and so many people have turned out.

“We just don’t know what has happened. It has gone from an innocent thing like a school reunion to this.

“People are fantastic though. I can’t thank them enough.”

Mr Devlin lives in Dublin but he travelled to Cork at the weekend to get the family home winter ready.

He said: “I came down from Dublin to sort the chimney. She [Frankie] loves her blocks.

“She loves her wasn’t at home little small fire. She but I didn’t think Hunt in Garryvoe, Co Cork anything of it. I thought she was probably at a match or a car boot sale.

“Then my sister called and asked where she was. We don’t understand. I can’t believe it.

“With every gust of wind I think it is a knock on the door. With every car passing I think there is word. It is a living nightmare.”

Mr Devlin added his mother is afraid of water as she nearly drowned as a child so he doesn’t believe that she would have entered the sea

However, all of the volunteers are combing the beaches as a precaution­ary measure. Gardai are searching with sniffer dogs while Cork City Missing Persons are equipped with cadaver dogs.

Mr Devlin and his three sisters are desperate for informatio­n. He said no informatio­n should be considered too small.

He added: “She has to be somewhere. She didn’t just vanish. If anyone has informatio­n – check your outhouses.

“We would really appreciate it. She is a chatty outgoing person. We don’t know what has happened. Nothing like this has ever happened before.”

Mrs Devlin is described as 5ft 8ins, of slim build, with blonde hair and brown eyes.

She was last seen wearing a black dress, black top with a red and black jacket.

A Garda spokesman said: “Frankie may be confused or distressed. There was considerab­le traffic in the Garryvoe area on this night and we are appealing for any motorists travelling on or after 10.45pm who may have dash cam footage to come forward.

“As there is a large number of mobile and holiday homes in the area, gardai are asking owners of any unoccupied properties to arrange to have their property inspected and contact gardai.”

Nothing like this has happened before. We are very concerned KILLIAN DEVLIN

 ??  ?? MYSTERY Frankie Devlin has not been seen since Saturday IN THE DARK Son Killian Devlin is leading hunt
MYSTERY Frankie Devlin has not been seen since Saturday IN THE DARK Son Killian Devlin is leading hunt
 ??  ?? VIGILANT
 ??  ?? FUNCTION Frankie was at the Garryvoe Hotel
FUNCTION Frankie was at the Garryvoe Hotel

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