Irish Daily Mirror

Racing chiefs have been as much use as a rubber plant


Classics — to June 8. Meanwhile, after Boris Johnson’s clear-as-mud address to the UK last Sunday, British racing is focusing on a June 1 return behind closed doors.

That puts us on the same footing as all profession­al sport — so the assertion that horseracin­g is easier to put on safely than the others counts for nothing.

What is all too apparent is that, while French racing’s head honchos hold some sway with their Government, the executives in Dublin and London don’t appear to give


a tinker’s cuss about what our leaders think. A return on June 1 is not a disaster, but it means the British Horseracin­g Authority have done nothing to advance the cause of our sport.

When I was an undergradu­ate, a wag put a rubber plant up against the sole candidate in a student election — and the rubber plant won!

Well, that same rubber plant would have matched the BHA’S achievemen­ts in securing a quick end to the blackout.

Mark Johnston and Ralph Beckett were cast as pantomime villains when they criticised the BHA policy of waiting for a ‘green light’ from Downing Street — instead of being more proactive and stating our own intentions.

But where are we now? We have a ‘green light’ but, with a more front-foot tactic on the part of our leaders, could have stolen a march on other profession­al sports — and had the limelight to ourselves as a result.

Devotees of our great sport in Britain and Ireland might not swap our equine heroes for those who strut their stuff in France.

But could we say the same of those who run it?

By David Yates

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 ??  ?? ON COURSE 1,000 Guineas favourite Quadrilate­ral (left)
ON COURSE 1,000 Guineas favourite Quadrilate­ral (left)

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