Irish Daily Mirror

Why HSE chief’s obscene salary really sickens me


IF you want to take your mind off worrying about the new Delta variant you should think about HSE chief Paul Reid’s obscene €426,000 pay package.

In no time, you’ll forget all about Covid-19 and be wondering how on earth does the head of one of the smallest health services in the EU earn more than twice the Taoiseach’s wages?

If that doesn’t work, ponder on how Mr Reid’s salary is nearly twice that of his counterpar­t across the water – NHS chief Simon Stevens.

While I’m not suggesting people in responsibl­e positions should not be well paid, it would appear Mr Reid’s salary is totally out of kilter with people in similar posts in more populous countries. He receives €426,000 to head a health service the size of greater Manchester, while Mr Stevens gets half that amount as boss of NHS England with a population of more than 50 million.

The fact Mr Stevens has decades of experience in the health sector, while Mr Reid has none, also raises issues as to the size of his salary.

Perhaps it’s impolite to bring up the huge sums being handed to health officials during a global pandemic, but I’ve a thing about huge salaries being paid with taxpayers’ money.

It could also be that I got a bill for €100 from Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital in Drogheda on the same day I read about Mr Reid’s rather large pay packet.

I had visited the emergency department of that hospital with an elevated heartbeat and, like everyone else without a medical card who visits one of the HSE’S hospitals, was charged €100 just for walking through the door.

It had me thinking it would take the trips of 2,260 people like me on the State pension to pay Paul Reid’s wages.

On the other hand, a visit to any of the hospitals run by Mr Stevens’ NHS is totally free.

Mr Reid’s salary seems all the more obscene when PUP payments are being cut and phased out. We’ve heard the usual arguments about how people like him would be earning much more if he headed a private sector organisati­on with tens of thousands of employees.

That may well be the case but, according to the HSE’S annual report published this week, the organisati­on has put aside a bad debt provision of €42.5million.

This follows the controvers­ial ordering of hospital ventilator­s which were not used. This raises the question as to whether Mr Reid would still be in a job if this mess, which is likely to end in the courts, occurred on his watch i n a private company.

Paying such high salaries to the heads of State bodies also has a knock-on effect in that it sets the going rate for other top officialse.

The HSE annual report revealed that last year, 20 people earned more than €410,000 including basic salary as well as top-ups, allowances and overtime payments.

Yesterday Mr Reid was again heading the HSE’S weekly Covid-19 news briefing and warned the “most likely” scenario is that the pace of growth of the Delta variant will “outmatch our supply of vaccines over the coming weeks”.

As the HSE, and not the public, is responsibl­e for ordering enough vaccines to meet demand, you have to wonder what’s the point in causing undue alarm.

He went on to say that all of the adult population will not be vaccinated by the time the Delta variant peaks in August.

Again, that’s the fault of the health service which he

It would take hospital trips of 2,260 people like me to pay his his wages


Maybe Mr Reid, who has the salary of at least eight qualified nurses, is aninvaluab­le asset to the HSE.

He certainly is a good communicat­or but at the same time he has been compared to a weatherman or woman who just presents the details compiled by others.

Indeed, why is the chief executive of the HSE flitting from one TV and radio station to another on a daily basis when the health service is tottering on the brink of collapse?

If the HSE were a private company, these briefings would be undertaken by a chief communicat­ions officer leaving the CEO to make policy decisions and take direct charge of the organisato­n.

In a national medical emergency, the head of the country’s health service – especially such a highly-paid one – should not be its chief spin doctor.

 ?? Paul Reid ??
Paul Reid

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