Irish Daily Mirror


- horoscopes

Aries March 21–April 20

You can sometimes be too impatient to get results. Setting long-term goals will give you something definite to work towards. They may seem distant but you will get there slowly. Take advantage of the cooperativ­e world around you and make arrangemen­ts for the future.

For more call 1560 932201

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Someone you work with will be quick to volunteer other people for the challenges that come up now. You may not know them very well but you are starting to see a side of their personalit­y that does not impress you. Shirking your responsibi­lities is something you could never do.

For more call 1560 932202

Gemini May 22 –June 21

You are not in the mood for any emotional scenes. Even so, if a misunderst­anding develops between you and a friend or workmate, it’s best not to pretend you don’t care. It will be really important to get to the root of this problem because it isn’t going to vanish by itself.

For more call 1560 932203

Cancer June 22 –July 23

You are wondering whether to take a chance in joining a group venture with people you hardly know. How do you feel about it? If your instincts tell you that they can be trusted and this is something you really want to do, go for it. Widening your circle of friends is what you need right now. For more call 1560 932204

Leo July 24 – August 23 A worrying number of large bills are coming up for payment around this time. Borrowing money to cover everyday expenses is not the answer. Try not to take this easy way out of the situation. Instead, accept that it is time to tighten your belt and take another look at your budget.

For more call 1560 932205

Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 23

Taking on a new set of responsibi­lities seemed like a good idea when you agreed to it. Now you’re starting to wonder whether you have too much on your plate. But if you are still enjoying the challenges these bring, there’s every chance that you have made a good choice.

For more call 1560 932206

Libra Sept 24–Oct 23

Sometimes your imaginatio­n can run away with you. Avoid reading too much into a work superior’s comments. If you’re uncertain about what they are actually implying then you should do your best to hide your curiosity. Asking too many questions could irritate them.

For more call 1560 932207

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

You’re putting a lot of effort into achieving a very desirable goal. This should be a rewarding time if you are self-employed or running your own business. Friends are getting together to arrange a special event. Your imaginativ­e ideas will get an enthusiast­ic reception.

For more call 1560 932208

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

An ambitious dream will receive a welcome boost thanks to the pledged help of one of your superiors at work. You are happy to have this chance to try for something new and different. This will upset someone who is set in their ways but you need more stimulatio­n in your career.

For more call 1560 932209

Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

Sharing your thoughts and feelings will help you to develop a new understand­ing between you and your partner. Are you single and looking for love? You will soon have an exciting opportunit­y to embark on a serious relationsh­ip. Whether or not you take a chance will be up to you.

For more call 1560 932210

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

Negative thoughts could have something to do with a recent failure or disappoint­ment. You are still upset by what has occurred and you’re worried about a situation, expecting something similar to happen again. Such events are unlikely to be repeated. Have more faith in yourself.

For more call 1560 932211

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

Interrupti­ons from family and friends will seem constant if you are trying to work from home. You will find it difficult to concentrat­e. Equally a group effort is starting to become a burden because the whole team is growing bored and even you find it hard to keep your interest up.

For more call 1560 932212

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