Irish Daily Mirror


- horoscopes


March 21–April 20

There seems to be no easy solution to current problems. In addition to having taken on a commitment that is not as straightfo­rward as you initially thought, arguments in the family are causing you to feel tense and anxious. Are you single? Say yes to a new romantic opportunit­y.

For more call 01560 932201

Taurus April 21 – May 21

If you really want to expand your interests, be ready to explore something different. Whether it is gaining technical skills or volunteer experience abroad, it is time to break free from your own self-imposed limitation­s. You are restrictin­g your own learning experience­s.

For more call 01560 932202

Gemini May 22 –June 21

Encourage others to discuss only what is important. You don’t have time to waste on someone who is avoiding telling the truth. You can sense when people aren’t being honest with you but you don’t want to undermine someone’s authority with your suspicions.

For more call 01560 932203

Cancer June 22 –July 23

You have been waiting for the right moment to say what’s on your mind but you are starting to realise there is no right moment. If something needs to be said, say it today. Don’t dwell on the negatives of a work situation. You have a lot to do and no time to entertain unhelpful thoughts.

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A project or chapter in your life is coming to an end allowing you, if you so desire, to cut cords with the past. The choice is down to you. It is all about balancing of the pros and cons of your needs with the needs of those who are close to you that could be at the heart of your dilemma.

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01560 932204

July 24 – August 23

01560 932205

Virgo Aug 24 – Sept 23

You are in a playful and impulsive mood. This may seem out of character to those who know you well but you aren’t bothered about what anyone thinks. There is no need to gain anyone’s approval for your moods and feelings. You just need to express your more joyful side.

For more call 01560 932206


Sept 24–Oct 23

No one will be surprised if you are the first one to turn up at a party or social get-together and the last one to leave. Having fun and lots of it is your main intention when you have decided that you may as well enjoy yourself while you can. If you have work to do, it will still be there tomorrow.

For more call 01560 932207

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

It may feel to you as if your recent contributi­on to a work or voluntary project has gone unnoticed. If other people seem to be getting the credit for efforts that you have put in, the smart thing to do would be to make those in charge aware of your accomplish­ments.

For more call 01560 932208

Sagittariu­s Nov 23 – Dec 21

You might think that the best answer to getting a job done is to apply yourself even more to making sure it’s completed. This may not be an ideal solution. Instead of making the difference you are hoping to see, if you push yourself too far, you could end up dropping from exhaustion.

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01560 932209 Capricorn Dec 22 –Jan 20

You have put a good deal of time and effort into a volunteer project or profession­al job you have taken on. You are starting to see the results of it but your energy is really starting to flag and you’re actually wondering how much more you will be able to give to this project.

For more call 01560 932210

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 19

A close relationsh­ip has been flounderin­g because you simply haven’t been spending a lot of time with each other. Now that you are together, you will find yourself responding to a partner’s needs in a way that feels natural and right. Your sensitivit­y is the key to open the door to intimacy. For more call

01560 932211

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

You aren’t in the mood to negotiate. That’s because you sense someone is more intent in getting you to change your mind than to listen to what you have to say. You are tired of having to explain yourself to others and you just want to move forward without further discussion.

For more call 01560 932212

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