Irish Daily Star - Chic


Soap star Tristan Gemmill on his role in Twelve Angry Men


Coronation Street’s Tristan Gemmill has told how there’s “never a dull moment”in Twelve Angry Men — and why it’s a special show for him to be a part of. The actor, who played Robert Preston in Coronation Street, is currently starring in the stage show, which will be running at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre from April 16 until April 20.

The cast of the courtroom thriller also includes Jason Merrells, Gray O’brien, Michael Greco, Ben Nealon and Gary Webster.

The show tells the story of a jury who has murder on their minds and a life in their hands as they set out to decide the fate of a young delinquent accused of killing his father.

The case appears to be open and shut initially — but it soon becomes a huge dilemma, as prejudices and preconceiv­ed ideas about the accused, the trial, and each other turn the tables every which way.

And the actor told Chic how he had revisited the 1957 film after getting the part — and how the three-time Academy Award nominated movie was something he had “always loved”.

He said, “I’ve always loved the film. It’s one of those things that doesn’t seem like it should work — it’s twelve blokes in a room, talking.

“And you’re thinking,‘oh God how’s that going to work for two hours?’ But it somehow does. It’s so meticulous­ly crafted and every piece fits together into the next piece.

“It’s like a brilliantl­y constructe­d jigsaw. “There’s never a dull moment. There’s moments of explanatio­n and little hiatuses, but everything moves on at a really clever pace.

“It’s a pleasure to play — and a challenge, too. We’re all on stage the whole time, so it’s a proper ensemble piece where everyone is on stage for the entire play, which is a challenge.”

Gemmill, who plays Juror 3 in the play,

… By Keeley Ryan

told how he feels there’s a“extra special”part of the evening every time he steps onto stage as he opened up about getting the role.

He said,“the story of me getting the part is that I did a play about a year ago with Bill Kenwright’s wife, Jenny Seagrove, and it was produced by Bill.

“He and I were talking afterwards — the late, great, Bill Kenwright — and I said, by way of keeping the conversati­on going, ‘so, I don’t suppose you’ve cast Twelve Angry Men yet?’

“He said, ‘what part do you want to play?’ — jokingly, not like offering me the part. But then we got talking about it and I said Juror 3 was the one that always interested me.

“He sort of smiled, and then left my dressing room. A few weeks later, I got the offer. It was really lovely.

“And very sadly, he passed away before he could see the show. So, every time I go on stage I’ve got that in my mind — there’s an extra special reason to be doing it.”

The actor added that it is an“amazing cast”to be working alongside on the production.

He continued,“we’re all gentlemen of a certain age and we’ve all seen a bit of the world, so it just fits really nicely like a glove.

“We all bounce off each other really well. We do love it, every time that we do it — as challengin­g as it is.”

The 56-year-old told how the show’s week-long run in Dublin is“going to be a highlight of the tour”.

He said,“i think the Dublin week is one we’ve all circled in our calendars, from the moment we got the tour schedule. It’s definitely going to be a highlight of the tour.

“I’ve been to Dublin once before but very briefly — hopefully, I’ll have a bit more time to have a look around.”

Gemmill told how he feels“very lucky”that he always knew acting was the career path he wanted to follow.

He said,“when I was 12 years old, I got a job on a TV thing. They were looking for schoolboys near Chartwell in Kent, where Winston Churchill was, because there was a miniseries called Winston Churchill: The Wilderness­years, with Robert


“I got selected to be one of the school boys in that. That sort of spiked my interest — and so since the age of about 12 or 13, that’s always what I’ve wanted to do.”

And having played The Bodyguard’s Frank Farmer in 2013 and 2014, Gemmill opened up about whether he could see himself taking on another musical one day.

He said,“i was lucky — I did The Bodyguard.

I’m not really a singer. I mean, I can hold a tune in the shower, but I’m not really a singer that would inflict my music on the general public.

“The thing about The Bodyguard is that you get to be the title character in a musical without really having to do any singing.

“In my case, Beverly Knight and Alexandra Burke did all that for me — I was the one that got sung to, which is easy.

“Anyone could do that. I don’t think I’ll find another musical that plays to my listening strengths quite as well as that.”

The Crown actor told how he feels lucky to have been able to play one of the roles he had set his sights on already — and whether there are any other roles he would like to try one day.

He said,“i wanted to play Stanley Kowalski in Streetcar Named Desire. That was at Theatr Clwyd in 2005.That was a role I’d always wanted to play — so I sort of did get my dream role then.

“Since then, I don’t know. There’s plenty of roles I’d like to play. But I don’t have one thing I’m hoping and praying for at the moment, but that may change.

“This role I’m playing now, it’s a bit of a dream as well. I’m really happy to be playing this one.”

As for whether he could see himself continuing to work on the stage or return to the screen,

Gemmill told how he is an“open door”when it comes to what’s next.

He said,“if a good part comes alone — I think that once you get to a certain point in your acting career, and you’re comfortabl­e on stage and you’re comfortabl­e in front of a camera, then it boils down to whether the part is a good part or not.

“I’d be more than happy to go back to television, or film, or do another stage show. Whatever comes next. I’m not one of those actors that knows immediatel­y what they’re doing next, so we’ll see.”

The actor played Robert Preston on Coronation Street from 2015 until 2019 — and shared his favourite part about playing the chef. He said,“what I loved about Robert was the way that they played out the love story with Michelle, Kym Marsh’s character. So much in soap operas happens quickly, and things change rapidly. “But what they did was they played this out — over about 18 months, maybe even longer.

“They played out the fact that he was sort of holding a candle for her, he was there for her but it wasn’t the sort of hurried rush of a normal soap opera love story. They played it out very slowly.

“And I thought that really gave it time, to flesh out their relationsh­ip, so that when they did get together it was a really big thing and you felt that they deserved their happiness.

“Of course, soap operas being soap operas, Corrie being Corrie, happiness is never a good sign, it doesn’t last very long. It didn’t for Robert. But that was my favourite thing about the show.”

Gemmill added that the cast are a“lovely, lovely group of people”— and told how even after his departure, he keeps in touch with“a bunch of them”.

He said,“we played the show in Manchester a couple of weeks ago, and we were at the Lowry in Salford.

“Kym came to the show and we had a lovely catch up afterwards. I’m still friends with Chris Gascoyne, Mikey North, Georgia Taylor — a bunch of them. It’s a lovely, lovely group of people.

“I think I’ve been fairly lucky with the actors that I’ve worked with, certainly in the last decade or so.”

Twelve Angry Men runs at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre from April 16 until April 20. For more informatio­n or tickets, visit www. bordgaisen­ergytheatr­


 ?? ?? HOOPING AND HOLLERING: Tristan Gemmill (also right) in Twelve Angry Men; and
HOOPING AND HOLLERING: Tristan Gemmill (also right) in Twelve Angry Men; and
 ?? Jason Merrells in the show ?? (below) fellow soap star
Jason Merrells in the show (below) fellow soap star
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? WEDDED DISS!: Tristan as Robert with Kym Marsh as Michelle in Coronation Street
WEDDED DISS!: Tristan as Robert with Kym Marsh as Michelle in Coronation Street

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