Irish Daily Star

‘I hit victim in self-defence’


- ■■Louise BURNE and Shauna CORR

TAOISEACH Simon Harris has said he is concerned about the lack of Garda resources allocated to roads policing — as junior Transport Minister Jack Chambers said enforcemen­t levels have “collapsed”.

The Taoiseach made the comments ahead of a meeting yesterday afternoon with the Road Safety Authority (RSA), Minister Chambers, Justice Minister Helen McEntee and Transport Minister Eamon Ryan.

The number of people killed on Irish roads so far this year stands at 63, up from 48 in the same period last year.

Victims have included tragic Carlow pals Katie Graham (19), Daryl Culbert (21) and Michael Kelly (25), while Una

Bowden (47) and her daughters Ciara (14) and Saoirse (9) perished in Mayo. The Taoiseach said that he and Garda Commission­er Drew Harris have discussed road safety and that the Commission­er has provided assurances that the number of Gardaí in dedicated road policing roles will increase.

It follows Mr Harris’ instructio­n to Gardaí to undertake 30 minutes of road policing on each shift.

“You don’t need a guard to tell you not to drink and drive,” the Taoiseach argued. “You don’t need a guard to tell you not to take drugs and drive.

“Thirty minutes doesn’t sound like a lot [but] 30 minutes multiplied by the number of guards is a significan­t period of time.

“The second assurance that [Commission­er Harris] did give me and the minister was that this year we’ll see road policing numbers grow.

“I am concerned about the level of Garda resources in road traffic policing. I know the Commission­er has to make difficult decisions with the resources available to him.


“I want to see those resources increased. So does he and he expects them to increase over the course of this year.”

Mr Chambers, meanwhile, told The Star that enforcemen­t levels have “collapsed” on the roads.

“You have double-digit reductions in enforcemen­t with the reductions in the numbers and roads policing units,” he explained.

“In addition to what the Commission­er has outlined, I welcome the fact he’s compliment­ing the work of roads policing units with the initiative now with 30 minutes per day for all uniformed police Gardaí.

“But that needs to be compliment­ed with tangible allocation­s to roads policing units who have the core responsibi­lity when it comes to enforcemen­t.”

Following a meeting with Taoiseach Harris and other senior ministers yesterday, the Road Safety Authority (RSA) yesterday agreed to spend an additional €3m on road safety campaigns effective immediatel­y.

Work will also be undertaken to enable road cameras to identify mobile phone use and seatbelts.

A MAN who admits killing a constructi­on worker and who made reference to a “Conor McGregor knockout” told gardai he was defending himself when he hit the deceased.

“I’m sorry I didn’t go home,” Maurice Boland told detectives.

Mr Boland (36), of Bridgeview Close, Tallow, Co Waterford pleads not guilty to murder but guilty to the manslaught­er of Cian Gallagher (26) at Barrack St in Tallow on November 10, 2022.

Pathologis­t Dr Margaret Bolster told defence counsel the deceased’s blood alcohol level was high at the time and agreed this would make them more vulnerable to a fall. The trial continues.

 ?? ?? TRAGIC: Una Bowden (47) and her daughters Ciara (14) and Saoirse (9) died
TRAGIC: Una Bowden (47) and her daughters Ciara (14) and Saoirse (9) died
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? MEETING: Eamon Ryan
MEETING: Eamon Ryan

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