Irish Independent - Farming

Lamb prices soar and IFA begins crackdown on ‘errant members’


SHEEP farmers were in the clover this time 25 years ago as strong home market demand saw lamb prices hit a record high.

Good quality lambs were making £17 over the £1/kg and up to £24 over at some sales.

“The export plants are being forced to compete with the marts on price to get supplies,” repor ted the Farming Independen­t.

“They have lif ted prices by 12p/lb over the past week are now quoting up to 134p/lb for quality lambs for the French market.

“In this week in 1994 and 1995, lambs were quoted at 100p/lb at the plants. Today’s high price is bringing an extra £13 per lamb. To date, lamb prices are running nearly 17pc ahead of last year.”

Meanwhile, storm clouds were gathering over Bluebell where the expulsion of IFA members convicted of growth promoter offences was causing a few unexpected headaches at the Farm Centre. “The problem is they (the IFA) are not exactly sure in some cases who it is they should be expelling.”

In some cases, the guilty par ties were readily identifiab­le from widely repor ted cour t cases, but others were more difficult to track down.

“The result was that the IFA, with its vast network of local informatio­n had to ring the Department to check up on the illegal activities of its own members. It is not known if the Depar tment felt itself in a position to assist in fingering the guilty farmers.”

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