Irish Independent - Farming




Thomas Potterton reported a surprising­ly good show of cattle given the day of the year, plus a good show of buyers. In short, the better bullock was improved, while plainer stock was weaker. “The better one was up by maybe €30-40, but the plainer animal was back by maybe €20,” Thomas said. Bullocks under 500kg averaged €1.70/kg to a top of €2.30/kg, while those over 500kg averaged €1.94/ kg to a top of €2.18/kg. On the heifer side, 335-390kg Charolais made €1.80-2.14/kg, with 400-500kg heifers averaging €2.01/kg. Cull cows averaged €1.45/kg with a 500kg Limousin setting the top bar at €1.84/kg.


This was also a strong show of cattle in terms of numbers. And just like Delvin above, the good one was a good trade but the poorer animal was a harder sale. The 300-400kg bullock averaged €2.35/kg with a 360kg Charolais ringing the bell at €1,165 or €3.24/kg. Top of the 400-500kg section saw a 430kg Charolais hit €3.09/kg, while the overall average in this division was €2.24/kg. 500kg+ bullocks averaged €2.12/ kg. On the heifer side, those up to 400kg averaged €2.18/kg, with the top call being €2.63/kg for a 390kg Charolais. 400-500kg heifers averaged €2.26kg, with heavier lots averaging €2.25/kg.


Prices here saw bullocks make €1.182.68/kg, with the heifers making €1.882.62/kg. That top price per kg among the bullocks went to a batch of three 367kg Simmentals, while in the heifer section, the honours went to a 385kg Limousin. On the weanling side, heifers sold from €2.17-2.75/ kg while the bulls ranged from €2.00-2.59/ kg. Culls cows sold from €800-1,350/hd.


With more farmers ringside, prices for weanling heifers were reported as being improved by €20-30/hd. Among those improved heifer prices were a 265kg Charolais who sold for €2.92/kg, three 328kg Limousins at €2.60/kg and a 400kg Charolais that sold for €2.86/kg. Among the bulls, prices also cracked on well with a 280kg Charolais setting the top bar at €3.19/kg. He was hard put to it though by the Limousins, with a 385kg contender coming in at €2.95kg and another at 335kg making €3.00/kg.


Numbers rose here last week as both buyers and sellers recognised that with grass recovering, the time was right to move. On the bullock side, sample prices included a 495kg Limousin at €2.46/kg, a 500kg Charolais at €2.38/kg with two 420kg Charolais and a 420kg Aberdeen Angus all making €2.38/kg. On the heifer side, you had a 525kg Limousin at €2.17/kg, a 400kg Aubrac at €2.07/kg, and a second Aubrac at 380kg which came in at €2.10/ kg.


The national trend of good cattle making more, and the lesser bullock making less continued here. Forward stock sold well, while the plain Friesian, Hereford and Angus type was a difficult sale. Heavy bullocks made €1.85-2.20/kg, with forward types making from €1.95-2.40/kg, while the lighter store sold for €2.00-2.65/kg. Weanling bulls made from €2.00-2.65/kg, with dry cows selling in the €1.20-1.80/kg range.


Barney O’Connell noted that there were more people about and a lift in the trade at his most recent sale. “It was tough here the last few weeks but this sale was better. There were more people about, more hands in the ring and a better air about the place,” Barney said. Prices for “nice” 300kg heifers ranged from €1.80-1.90/kg, while in the bullock trade, most of the bettertype Friesian, Angus and Herefords sold from €1.65-1.90/kg. Cull cows averaged in general from 75c/kg to €1.50/kg.

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