Irish Independent - Farming

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Numbers were easier here, although the recent rains did appear to bring out more men interested in the store trade.

The best performers were among the cows and heifers, with dry cows making from €1.05-1.95/kg. Among the heifers beef types sold from €1.95-2.35/kg, with stores selling from €2.00-2.75/kg.

On the bullock side heavy steers averaged €1.85-2.25/ kg, with forward stores making €1.95-2.30/kg, while lighter lots sold from €2.00-2.50/kg. Weanling heifers made €2.203.00/kg, with weanling bulls ranging from €2.10-2.85/kg.


This was a tidy sale numberswis­e. Cull cows were probably the best performers as their June average of €1.62/kg outstrippe­d the 2019 samemonth average by 12c/kg.

The June average for 400500kg bullocks was also stronger than 12 months ago at €2.23/kg versus €2.17/kg.

It was a different story among the 500-600kg steers, however, with their average for June of €2.04/kg back 18c/kg as those buying reflected the reality of factory returns.


A good-size sale saw the bull weanling side of proceeding­s push on well, with four 470kg Charolais at €2.51/kg giving a flavour of what could be expected if the animals were good enough.

On the heifer side two 560kg Angus made €2.06/kg, with two 465kg Limousins making €2.20/kg.

Two 300kg Limousins came into €2.40/kg, while seven 400kg Herefords averaged €1.93/kg.

Moving on:

These 507kg Simental heifers, born June 2018, sold for €1,030 each at Carnew

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