Irish Independent

Warning on milk shortage as Brexit hits farms

- Ciaran Moran

CONSUMERS could face milk shortages because farmers aren’t being paid enough to milk cows during the winter – with Brexit only making matters worse.

More than 90pc of Ireland’s dairy farmers produce milk on a seasonal basis for commoditie­s, mainly for export.

Fresh milk for the supermarke­t shelf is produced 365 days a year by 1,800 specialist­s among our 18,000 dairy farmers.

Traditiona­lly, there has been a price premium for farmers who milk all year round, but farmers say their margin has been eroded in recent years.

Irish Farmers’ Associatio­n (IFA) president Joe Healy said the pressures on supplies could be made worse by the Brexit process.

He called for a strong strategy to keep local milk that is valued by Irish consumers on supermarke­t shelves.

Mr Healy said: “Article 50 will start the formal process of Britain leaving the EU. Some 26pc of milk on supermarke­t shelves comes from Northern Ireland.

“The IFA strategy identifies the challenges and provides solutions which can secure locally produced, high-quality fresh milk year round, while nurturing this valuable €530m market.”

IFA national liquid milk committee chairman John Finn said that when he started in liquid milk production in 1984, it was a profitable farming enterprise, with brands dominating the market and the largest volumes sold door to door.

“Things have changed. Supermarke­t private labels sourced through price-based tenders now dominate sales,” he said.

“The cut-throat competitio­n for market share between dairies and retailers has eroded margins to unsustaina­ble levels.”

He added that retail regulation­s needed to be revised to return to the prohibitio­n of below-cost selling, and to provide for “a well-resourced and independen­t ombudsman to stamp out unfair trading practices”.

“We propose to first establish a base line through a profiling survey of the 1,800 specialist producers, their ages, their succession plans and their intentions,” he said.

He said the IFA would present this strategy to Agricultur­e Minister Michael Creed later this week.

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