Irish Independent

Shinners not to be trusted


John Hume is a great Derry man, a great peace maker and a great Irishman. Martin McGuinness was his polar opposite. He conducted a terrorist war against peace and people until such time as he and IRA/Sinn Féin were militarily defeated. His was a life of recklessne­ss, killing, bombing and internecin­e slaughter.

Mr McGuinness’s legacy will not take up too many pages in the history of Ireland, but for this.

The violent organisati­on he led, which appealed to hot-headed young people, only served to shorten their own lives and others within their own community by following blindly the course set by Mr McGuinness and others, who foolishly believed their way was the only course for Northern Ireland to follow.

Mr McGuinness, in the final days of his life, allowed himself to be further used by Sinn Féin to bring down his government when there was no good reason to do so.

Shinners call this the “unarmed strategy” and how far have they moved away from the past? No too far, say the Irish who know them well.

The language of the defeated is usually couched in words which attempt to portray pseudo-victory in order to save face.

There is a fierce bitterness in the North and people like Mr McGuinness are to the fore in such irresponsi­ble conduct, while toying with constituti­onal politics.

They are not to be trusted – and their long-term goals have little basis in continuing a peaceful path if the climate is conducive to their overall long-term strategies.

Their ‘cutting-edge’ mentality is never too far from the surface. Robert Sullivan Bantry, Co Cork

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