Irish Independent

Repeal is simply about choice


■ Repealing the Eighth Amendment is not just about abortion. Don’t allow anyone to lead you to believe this.

This is nothing to do with “killing” babies – this is a scare-mongering tactic to confuse, but also demonise women. This has everything to do with the rights a woman has to decide to do with her body whatever she deems acceptable.

You can be pro-choice and antiaborti­on. That is perfectly OK. No one is saying if this comes in it means you have to have an abortion. It just means that someone will get the choice.

You choosing to become a parent is amazing, but everyone deserves that choice.

It means that if a doctor suggests a medical move to a woman during her pregnancy that she will be able to approve or disapprove. It means that if they want to break her waters and deliver a baby early or in a different way then she gets to decide. It means if the baby is not going to live or if she is not going to live, she can be part of the choices made on behalf of her body.

Making abortion legal in Ireland will in no way increase the amount of abortions Irish women have, it will simply mean they can get the support and care they need at home. There will be arguments women will “use this as contracept­ion”, that young women will “get abortions all the time”, and people who find out their child has Down syndrome will abort them. But these are all useless, false facts being thrown into minds to confuse and deter you.

Kyrié Carpenter Address with editor

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