Irish Independent

Advice for a family dilemma


Sage, as an advocacy service for vulnerable adults and older people, welcomes the coverage in the

Irish Independen­t of the various legal and emotional issues which can, unfortunat­ely, arise for many families when an older person who has previously led an independen­t life requires support and care.

Noticeably absent however in the article which appeared in the Farm Ireland section (‘I don’t want to put my mother in a nursing home’, April 25) was any mention of the mother’s entitlemen­t to have a say in her own affairs.

She should be placed at the centre of any decision-making process concerning her future life.

Thankfully, the Assisted Decision-Making Act 2015, working through the Decision Support Service (which is in the process of being establishe­d) will legislativ­ely remedy this.

It will also provide a range of decision support arrangemen­ts (in addition to an enduring power of attorney) which any adult will be able to avail of at a time in their lives when they might find themselves vulnerable.

As a mediator as well as a solicitor, may I suggest family circumstan­ces such as this require hard family conversati­ons to be had where the vulnerable adult is supported by an independen­t third party, such as an advocate, to voice their own wishes, preference­s and fears about their future life.

Sage’s motto says it all: “Nothing about you without you.”

If any person needs the support of Sage to ensure their voice is heard, they should call 1850 719400. Mary Condell Sage Support & Advocacy service, 24-26 Ormond Quay, Dublin

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