Irish Independent

Questions have a ‘fresh look’ with links to real-life context

- Katherine Donnelly

AN INCREASING trend in the Leaving Certificat­e engineerin­g higher-level paper to open questions with a real-life context was welcomed by teacher Kenny Donagher.

This year, he noted this “fresh look” in questions on plastics processing, welding, robotics and metal alloys.

Mr Donagher also welcomed the way candidates could link to research they would have done during the year for their project.


Overall, the ASTI subject representa­tive and teacher at Summerhill College, Sligo, described the paper as “very well laid out with no major change in the structure of questions.”

He said there were opportunit­ies for students to draw on their own experience in their answers and to show their understand­ing of modern engineerin­g principles.

Just about everything featured, from parking sensors to electric vehicles and an American football helmet.

The “special topic” for the compulsory section was the study of the technical aspects of drones, which included a question relating to privacy.

“This is a good example of the way this particular subject not only marries a precision manufactur­ing skill set with a theoretica­l background knowledge, but gives students the opportunit­y to discuss the impact of technology on their lives” he said.

He described the ordinary-level paper as “very accessible, well structured, and particular­ly well illustrate­d with very good examples of the theory being examined”.

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