Irish Independent

Listen to the electorate


■ After the referendum we were told the people have spoken.

And indeed they have, but it would seem that many among our elected representa­tives are only hearing what they want.

The large vote to repeal the Eighth is being claimed by the Government as a mandate to implement legislatio­n along the lines it proposed prior to the referendum. But the facts do not bear this out.

The Referendum Commission made it clear we were voting about constituti­onal change only, not the laws that might follow.

As it happens, the exit polls showed that around half of the two-thirds who voted for repeal were not in favour of the liberal regime being suggested.

As one-third voted to retain the Eighth, this means the Government’s support proposals as outlined before the referendum has the support of only about one-third of the electorate. This is far from being a mandate.

The referendum also granted, of course, the Oireachtas the power to do as it likes when it comes to abortion law.

However, as all elected representa­tives know, it is as well to listen to the people; and in the case of the contentiou­s issue of abortion to listen very carefully.

Otherwise many of them might hear some very unwelcome news indeed come the next general election – an event, as we all know, whose occurrence is very difficult to predict.

Rev Patrick G Burke

Castlecome­r, Co Kilkenny

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