Irish Independent

Driving lessons: 7 things to know


In most countries you must carry a reflective warning triangle… and spare bulbs.

Using your mobile while you drive is generally illegal and only allowed if you use an earpiece or a hands-free kit. In Spain even the use of a wireless earpiece is forbidden.

In Belgium and Norway it is illegal to smoke behind the wheel.

Driving after imbibing is never a good idea and in Scandinavi­a the limit is so low that you virtually can’t drink for 24 hours before you drive.

In France you are obliged to carry a portable Before taking your car abroad, check with your insurer. Although you should be covered, it may be a condition of your policy that you inform your insurer first.

If you have an accident, there is a risk — because you are a tourist — you will be blamed. So make sure you do not admit liability. Better to be rude than sorry.

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