Irish Independent

Scottish woman’s ambulance woe


THESE are curious times for England’s neighbours, who must watch on enviously as they celebrate their advance to the brink of something really special.

But some people have clearly adopted the ‘If you can’t beat them, join them’ approach after it emerged that the female reveller pictured standing on an ambulance car last Saturday was actually Scottish.

The Scottish edition of ‘The Sun’ have led the way on this story and tracked down 21-year-old Larissa Bell to her home in Glasgow where she admitted it was her but declined to offer further comment.

It’s hard to know which is more embarrassi­ng; getting into the spirit of things on a trashed ambulance that was called to the area for serious reasons – vandals had already gotten hold of it before her five seconds of fame – or the fact that it wasn’t even her own country’s exploits that was starting the party.

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