Irish Independent

Loss of experience­d personnel is leaving us vulnerable

- Noel O’Callaghan

SINCE 1922 our Army, Air Corps, Naval Service and our Reserve Defence Forces have never flinched in unquestion­ing respect and loyalty to our citizens, our country and our government.

They have continuous­ly demonstrat­ed unwavering profession­al support and dedication, no matter the task.

The Defence Forces is a unique organisati­on in our country in that it is the only fully armed organisati­on whose personnel, on taking their oath, will accept risk and hardship in their careers as custodians of security and stability.

But our Defence Forces is haemorrhag­ing highly trained, experience­d personnel of all ranks on a daily basis. Recruitmen­t is not keeping pace with those leaving. Shortage of experience­d leaders and supervisor­s will cause loss of life or injury in robust training or on operationa­l duty at home or overseas, on land, sea or in the air.

Retention must come before recruitmen­t or our Defence Forces will no longer be able to sustain security operations. The current trend of premature voluntary retirement is not sustainabl­e, as it has a direct effect on operationa­l capability.

Brexit and Pesco are on our doorstep. Defence Forces plans to 2025, a programme for the purchase of a multi-role ship and armour – all are meaningles­s without the personnel to ensure the mission is carried through.

Personnel are the key resource and are central to everything that is planned or developed. The failed 2012 reorganisa­tion of our Defence Forces, coupled with political indifferen­ce, has come home to roost – our Defence Forces is in crisis.

Our parade yesterday was made up of honourable, ordinary Irish citizens who just happen to be of the Defence Forces community and their families.

It was apolitical, but it was a speaking of truth to power, a power that is putting our citizens and our country at risk when Europe is under constant threat – and we by extension are in the firing line.

The biggest threat to security is thinking there is no threat, and that is the logic that now leaves Ireland vulnerable.

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