Irish Independent




4 Be open handed, or use one’s fists? (4,3) 8 Dashes off to fulfil a secret engagement? (6) 9 The least one can do (7) 10 It provides hot water, naturally (6) 11 A need to include fifty covered in oil (6) 12 Strange patterns in church (8) 18 Abandon royal dignity (8)

20Here you have to acknowledg­e defeat (4,2) 21 Sleeps soundly? (6) 22 Able to come back after a stretch (7) 23 He supplies tea − with or without sugar! (6) 24 Evidence of a leak? Tell the attendant (7)


1 Matters of some gravity (7) 2 A struggle to maintain faith (4,3) 3 People mending pipes (6) 5 Shaken and upset (8) 6 A little lower (6) 7 He takes more interest than you would wish! (6) 13 Passing pleasing, perhaps (8) 14 Express disapprova­l in the soldier’s quarters (7) 15 I object to a certain action (7) 16 Something fishy that is of help to the sportsman (6) 17 Eases off the downward pressure? (4,2) 19 Give a slight cut (6)


4 Relief (7) 8 Eatable (6) 9 Competent (7) 10 Annul (6) 11 Sting (6) 12 Courageous (8) 18 Capsize (8)

20Seemly (6) 21 Treat (6) 22 Chief city (7) 23 Sides (6) 24 Discards (7)


1 Chorus (7) 2 Contend (7) 3 Gratify (6) 5 Rouse (8) 6 Courteous (6) 7 Threefold (6) 13 Lengthen (8) 14 Loads (7) 15 Anger (7) 16 10 years (6) 17 Contrivanc­e (6) 19 Indeed (6)

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