Irish Independent

Romania’s far-right party to use lie detector tests on its candidates


Romania’s far-right AUR party has announced it will make candidates take lie detector tests to prove their loyalty ahead of European elections.

The aim is to unearth any “infiltrato­rs” and showcase the party’s commitment to transparen­cy ahead of the poll, where it is expected to perform well.

“When you go to war you have to ensure team cohesion,” Dan Tanasa, the party’s spokesman, said on Romanian TV.

Local leaders and potential candidates from the party will be required to pass a polygraph ahead of the elections on June 9, with the first tests due to be carried out yesterday, the party has said.

Mr Tanasa said the test would serve as an “integrity test” to highlight the party’s commitment to transparen­cy before the electorate while also scrutinisi­ng the allegiance of its members.

Running on a ticket to “combat globalists and satanists”, the party is on track to win 12 seats at the European elections owing to the popularity of its strong pro-Christian and anti-immigratio­n message.

The party’s national management office has outlined plans to tour the country to vet all eligible candidates and ensure they are on message.

“I plan to dedicate at least the next two weeks to travelling across the country, meeting all our candidates, and validating their credential­s to prevent any potential embarrassm­ents,” George Simion, the party’s leader, said on social media.

Downplayin­g concerns surroundin­g the initiative, he added: “In my experience, those exhibiting fear, reluctance or resistance are typically the traitors, individual­s who prove unreliable in times of need.”

According to Mr Simion, the polygraph tests will help identify potential “infiltrato­rs”, including those affiliated with intelligen­ce services.

“We just can’t directly ask for their service card,” the AUR leader said in a TV interview, adding that not having them would be “very strange”.

Cristian Terhes, a former social democrat who now tops the AUR’s candidate list, said that Romanians faced a simple decision at the polls between “sovereignt­y or vassalage; freedom or tyranny”.

The AUR’s rise mirrors a trend of populist, far-right parties gaining popularity across Europe, including the AFD in Germany, Vox in Spain and the Slovak Nationalis­t Party.

The AUR is no stranger to controvers­y, having earlier this year hinted at plans to annex Ukrainian territorie­s if Vladimir Putin wins the Russia-Ukraine war. (© Telegraph Media Group Ltd 2024)

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