Irish Sunday Mirror

I had to fend off stage boss with my ballet slippers then Tommy Cooper saved my job



TELLY star Amanda Barrie has revealed how she was attacked by a predatory stage manager when she was 15.

The Benidorm actress had to fight him off with her ballet shoes after he pounced on her.

Amanda – now 81 and appearing in BBC1’S hit series The Real Marigold Hotel – says the scary incident toughened her up as she embarked on a career that made her one of the best known faces on screen in everything from Carry On films to Corrie.

Speaking for the first time of the assault, Amanda says she was in a seaside show starring Tommy Cooper in the 1950s when the stage manager’s behaviour began creeping her out.

“If I talked in the wings or did the tiniest thing wrong, I was called in at 9am to stand on stage in front of him in a little leotard and fishnet tights,” she says.

“It was sinister. If someone did that now you’d say, ‘Are you out of your mind?’ But I was young and didn’t know any better.

“The stage hands used to say ‘you ought to watch out’. Then one day he made me go to his office after standing on stage – and locked the door behind him.”


The letch then made a pass at her. But Amanda – whose career has spanned almost 70 years – was quick to act.

She says: “I had a pair of pointe ballet shoes with me. They turned out to be good missiles which I aimed at his head. I then gave him a real good kick and he hit his head on the wash stand.

“I shot out and locked him in. He yelled, ‘You’ll be fired’. I was heartbroke­n. I’d been expelled from two schools for bad behaviour. I thought, ‘I can’t be thrown out of a show too’.” Amanda fled into the street, but her job was saved by late comedy legend Tommy.

She says: “Eventually some of the cast found me and they went to Tommy.

“They all stood by me because they realised what had been going on. They said they would strike if I was sacked. So I was allowed back.”

But it was not the only time Amanda was locked in a dressing room and pursued. She says: “I was once chased by a West End manager, but luckily I could move a lot faster than him.

“Times have changed a lot. I’m so grateful this doesn’t happen to young women now. And thankfully, I wasn’t one of those busty blonde beauties, who had it worse. I felt more of an androgynou­s creature.” Indeed, although her role as Egyptian queen Cleopatra in the 1964 comedy classic Carry On Cleo earned her a global following, she says she was never confident of her looks.

She says it was only while filming BBC1’S second series of The Real Marigold Hotel – in which a group of senior celebritie­s sample a life of retirement in India – that she was reminded how popular she was. As she walked through a remote village, a man shouted: “Cleo!” She says: “I wish I could go back and realise

“It was Elizabeth Taylor’s,” she says. “Her name was in some shoes and a headdress. I could have made a fortune on ebay.” The lass from Ashton-underlyne, ran away to London as a teen to become a chorus girl. She made the leap to acting and was a West End leading lady for almost 20 years. It led to film appearance­s in Carry On Cabby how good I looked in those days. I felt I was so ugly.” Amanda also wishes she had kept the famous Cleo outfit – as it had previously been worn by another famous Cleopatra.

and Carry On Cleo plus a host of TV roles.

In the 80s she landed the part of Alma Baldwin in Coronation Street which she played until 2001. She later had more hits with prison drama Bad Girls and soap Doctors before joining ITV’S Benidorm in 2015 as Psychic Sue.

Amanda had married late theatre director Robin Hunter in 1967, but they split in the mid80s. She came out as bisexual in 2002 and married journalist and author Hilary Bonner in 2014. She won an Icon Award from gay lifestyle magazine Attitude last October.

“I did say I hope we are the last generation to be given an award for simply being oneself,” says Amanda. “Being myself is something I’d never thought possible, but my goodness there’s been a change.”

Despite her age, Amanda is working as hard as ever. Benidorm returns on Wednesday and she has four other projects on the go. “When you hit your 80s everyone decides to hire you quickly before you fall off your perch,” she says. Amanda did have a small health scare a few days into filming in India with celebs inlcuding Bill Oddie and Lionel Blair. She thought she was going to pass out in a yoga class, but it turned out to be a virus. She says: “I

Star felt ‘so ugly’ as she played Cleopatra Still loving work at 81 and back in Benidorm

thought my time on the show was over, but two crew fell ill with it so it wasn’t just little old ladies like me.”

She says she and Hilary kept in touch every day – and that her wife was proud of her.

“Hilary’s a born traveller. As a journalist she’s been to war zones,” says Amanda. “I’m reluctant to go to the end of The Strand. But after India my motto is ‘Have passport, will travel’. This is the best time of my life.”

vikki.white @trinitymir­ The Real Marigold Hotel is on BBC One, Wednesday 9pm.

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PASSAGE TO INDIA With Real Marigold Hotel celebs
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CARRY ON WORKING Amanda still going strong at 81
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