Irish Sunday Mirror

Jayne Torvill: Skating brought on my asthma

Skater Jayne Torvill is training for her first London Marathon as she nears 60. Here the 1984 Olympic gold winner tells of her other challenge outside the rink


I never suffered from asthma as a child – it was something that suddenly started in my late 20s. I will never forget my first attack. I was suffering badly with hayfever and the pollen count was particular­ly high when I suddenly began to wheeze. I had shortness of breath, a tightness in my chest and I was gasping for air.

It was very frightenin­g and I went straight to the GP, who diagnosed asthma and prescribed an inhaler. In the years that followed I started to have sporadic attacks and found skating brought it on.

The sudden change in temperatur­e going into a colder place like an ice rink proved problemati­c – but changing career wasn’t an option!

In 1996 my skate partner Christophe­r Dean and I toured America, doing 60 cities in 75 days.

It was gruelling and I had an attack at least once a month from being out on the ice, and needed a medic to give me oxygen backstage.

My asthma calmed down after I retired from skating in 1998 but in 2007 the attacks started again.

By then we were judges on ITV’S Dancing on Ice for a year and I picked up a chest infection that really triggered my asthma.

I was prescribed antibiotic­s but they didn’t work and my chest became weaker. I was given a brown steroid inhaler as a preventati­ve measure to stop the attacks and I started to use it

Jayne doing Parallel London 10k to get through all my skating routines. Now I’m using the right medication it has become more under control – and luckily I have never had to go to hospital. As I am training for the London Marathon on April 23, I make sure I carry a blue inhaler with me in case I get an attack or become too breathless. I am a bit apprehensi­ve about running 26.2 miles but as a sportspers­on, I am more body-aware and I can feel when an attack is going to happen. I also know that if I was really struggling, there would be a lovely medic with oxygen en route. I ran a half marathon over three years ago and found it tough. But I am hoping with my latest training programme – by top running coach Martin Yelling – I will be a bit more comfortabl­e.

It’s for novice marathoner­s and involves running on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday with rest days in between.

Each week I also have three personal training sessions and play tennis twice.

I’m lucky to have spoken to experts like Paula Radcliffe and she said I will hit a wall around 18 miles where my brain, legs and joints will all be telling me to stop.

Her advice was that I should focus on the image of crossing the finishing line.

Apart from the odd twinge here and there, I am physically in the best shape I’ve been.

I am also lucky in managing to keep the weight off since I went on the Hay Diet nearly ten years ago. I went from 10st to 8st and that was really not from exercising so much, as by not mixing carbs or protein.

I have stuck to that regime but I couldn’t ever not eat carbs – and I do love a big bowl of pasta.

I am fortunate that skating has kept me in good shape and going to the gym regularly when I am not working has kept my level of fitness up.

I can’t believe that I am going to be 60 in October! I never thought I would be running a marathon at this age but it’s important that I do.

The key message for the marathon this year is Reasons to Run and my reason to run is that I like a challenge and I will be doing it for Variety, which is a great charity for disabled and disadvanta­ged children.

I hate it when my asthma leaves me out of breath during training but I am managing it. You can let it affect you or you can just get on with it!

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LEGENDS Torvill and Dean win gold medal in Sarajevo in 1984
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