Irish Sunday Mirror

Nigel needs to put his man pants on & own up

Porn star raps Farage jet snog denial


‘He would deny it, wouldn’t he?’ says Valerie entire way back he was holding my hand. The porter at my flats was sitting in reception as we came in. The look on his face was like ‘What the hell?’. Nigel stayed about 15 minutes. In my flat he was kissing me and had his hands all over my back and waist. He said: ‘You’re so slim. You look after your body’. She says before he left he wrote down his number and asked her out for dinner. “He Farage told porn star he’d ‘been staring at her’

said to me, ‘You’re my priority now’. When he left we kissed in my corridor a few minutes. He felt me up a bit. He wasn’t shy, but we didn’t sleep together in the flat. I texted him later saying how much I had enjoyed our time together.

“He texted back, ‘So did I. I haven’t felt like that for years. You are fabulous’.

“I said, ‘I can’t stop thinking about you’. He replied, ‘Snap’.”

She says they met on the plane while she was on her way back from a holiday and he had been “in Georgia for work”.

“I was drinking champagne and he was on red wine,” she said. “But I wouldn’t say either of us were drunk. I saw he was looking through magazines at pictures of himself. I joked, ‘You’re a total narcissist.’ He said: ‘I am a bit.’

“It was a giggle. We got on brilliantl­y. I thought he was a nice guy. He made it clear he fancied me and said he and his wife were separated.

“I hammered him about Brexit. He told me he wasn’t overly keen on the Prime Minister, David Cameron or Jeremy Corbyn, but he likes Ed Miliband.”

Valerie claims things got heated towards the end of the eight-hour flight – and that he’d had his eyes on her beforehand. “He knew I was a glamour model. When I told him he said, ‘I can tell. I was staring at you while we boarded the plane’. He didn’t know about the porn, but I don’t do it any more so I didn’t think it was relevant.”


The flight landed at 6.50am and by then, Valerie claims, Mr Farage – who says he and wife Kirsten have lived “separate lives” for some time – was keen to go home with her.

“He went quiet for a week after our first texts when he’d left the flat. Then on Brexit day I texted, ‘Well you’ve got your Brexit, congratula­tions’.

“He said ‘thank you so much’. And then he wrote ‘I owe you a proper explanatio­n for my non-contact. Nigel’.

Valerie claims details of her canoodling with Mr Farage emerged after a friend who she told betrayed her. She added: “I’m not disappoint­ed, I have a love life of my own and I’m not sitting here hung up on Nigel bloody Farage.” Valerie was not paid for this interview


He had his hands all over my back and waist, saying: ‘You’re so slim. You look after your body’ VALERIE FOX ON HOW THE JET KISSING HEATED UP IN HER FLAT

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