Irish Sunday Mirror

Party girl shame Rooney scores a €5.6m profit


Wayne Rooney HE may have been accused of playing away – but Wayne Rooney is still bringing a fortune home.

Accounts reveal he has netted a near €5.6million profit from his image rights and investment­s.

But the figures were posted several months before that image took a kicking after he was held for drink-driving, with party girl

Laura Plummer, 33, was sentenced to three years after being caught with 290 Tramadol tablets in her luggage at the Red Sea resort of Hurghada.

Speaking after returning from Egypt yesterday, mum Roberta Synclair from the UK said: “She’s devastated. It was heartbreak­ing to leave her.

“She kept saying, ‘I can’t do this, I can’t do this’.

“I just had to try and reassure her but she was saying it was horrendous. I told her she’ll just have to take it as it comes and stay safe.

“She’s very frightened. We don’t know where she could end up but they said they’ll try and find a place where they speak English.”

Laura was caught with the Tramadol pills, which are legal on prescripti­on here but banned in Egypt, in October.

She said she did not know they were banned and they were for boyfriend Omar Abdul Azim’s bad back. Laura was held before appearing in court and being jailed on Boxing Day. The family Laura Simpson at his side. The accounts from his company Stoneygate 48 show the net worth of his business rose to €19.4million from €13.8million.

That is on top of his reported €170,000-a-week salary at Everton and other sponsorshi­p deals.

He was on a reported €340,000a-week at Manchester United hope she will be moved from the jail at Qena, near Luxor, to a prison in Cairo where conditions are reportedly better. Roberta said they could not appeal until 60 days after the conviction, adding: “At the very least it looks like she’ll do five or six months. We just hope she gets a decent prison. She’s frightened, worried, in a state of shock. She’s lost everything, her job, her life. She’s missed Christmas and now she’ll spend New Year on her own in a cell.” Egyptian lifeguard Omar, who has a wife and two children, has admitted he feels responsibl­e for her plight. He said yesterday: “I’m the reason for what happened. My heart is absolutely broken. “I had no idea she would bring Tramadol – I would have told her ‘Don’t bring it to Egypt’.” Shop worker Laura and Omar had an “Orfi” marriage two years ago, which is not registered with the state but lets them share a hotel room. Polygamy is legal for men in Egypt and she has met his legal wife. Omar said: “She’s my wife and I love her. I will wait for her to come out.” Roberta added: “I spent a few days with Omar when I was in Egypt. When she was convicted he was broken.” phil.cardy@trinitymir­ before his summer transfer. His other business interests have included property investment­s.

Dad-of-three Rooney, 31, was convicted of being three times the drinks limit when driving Laura, 29, home from Wilmslow, Cheshire at 2am on September 1.

Police stopped him in her VW Beetle as it had a faulty brake light. Last month Rooney’s pregnant wife Coleen, also 31, said she had feared the marriage was over.

She said: “People probably think I’m stupid for staying in my marriage. He’s made selfish mistakes, some he’s learnt from, some not. Maybe that will change?”

Rooney has been doing community service at a garden centre.

 ??  ?? Laura got 3yrs over her error But Omar already has a wife Roberta spoke of her torment Qena Prison, near Luxor
Laura got 3yrs over her error But Omar already has a wife Roberta spoke of her torment Qena Prison, near Luxor
 ??  ?? ARRESTED

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