Irish Sunday Mirror

Asylum seekers in firing line as racists torch hotels


JBut it is a sad state of affairs when an unoccupied hotel in Leitrim – earmarked for refugees – goes up in flames and the majority of us know in our hearts it was the work of racists.

I wish it was somehow possible to downplay the suspicious Rooskey hotel fire as being a one-off error of judgment.

Sadly, it can’t be so easily dismissed.

Unfortunat­ely, there is a clear disturbing pattern emerging here – with someone also destroying the Caiseal Mara Hotel in Moville, Co Donegal, last November.

It is in this county where Peter Casey lives, who was accused of racism during the presidenti­al campaign over his contentiou­s comments about the Travelling

Peter Casey community. Regardless of whatever you may or may not think about the Dragons’ Den TV star, I certainly believe we can all agree he would never condone such an unforgivab­le racist act.

For we are talking here about someone who experience­d the shoe on the other foot himself and was welcomed as an immigrant into Australia and America where he made his fortune.

Considerin­g Ireland’s own tragic history with our forefather­s forced to escape on coffin ships to America, it makes it even all the more appalling how any Irish person would desire to deny shelter to Syrians fleeing for their lives.

But that is exactly what occurred when those sinister arsonists made the two hotels uninhabita­ble for a small group of asylum seekers, including distraught mothers and young children.

How would Irish history look today if our forefather­s in the 19th century had not been welcomed with open arms into America?

There is absolutely no difference between the plight our ancestors faced in the famine and what Syrians are experienci­ng now – as both episodes can be described as mass genocide.

At least one million Irish died from starvation and disease back then and another forced to flee the We must do more to help refugees in Leitrim and Donegal probably wore balaclavas instead of going round dressed up like a KKK clansman, but that’s really only a subtle difference.

As the old adage goes– if the shoe fits, wear it – and racism is racism no matter how you try to dress it up.

In my book, these fires can only be classified as a hate crime.

And those responsibl­e should be reprimande­d as such if arrested, rather than a lesser sentence for simple arson. But I wouldn’t hold my breath.

MEP Liadh Ni Riada told me last night: “This shameful act of violence targeted some of the most vulnerable people and should be condemned in the strongest terms.

“Anti-refugee sentiment has been fuelled by misinforma­tion peddled by sensationa­list media and opportunis­tic politician­s.

“Migrants and refugees are not the cause of any of the hardships we face as a society.”

Some argue we should be looking after our own kind first and getting our homeless off the streets, instead of giving shelter to refugees.

But this simply doesn’t wash because in reality there shouldn’t even be a homeless crisis, especially with Leo Varadkar recently boasting about a surprise €100million budget surplus in

Caiseal Mara hotel 2018. I’d imagine such an astronomic­al sum would easily solve the homeless crisis.

We’re not even taking in our honest fair share of refugees either, which is something I cannot even begin to comprehend given our own dark history.

I suppose this really comes as little surprise when you consider Ireland, unlike most other EU countries, has no legal obligation to take in refugees because we negotiated an opt-out clause in the Lisbon Treaty.

We should be ashamed by how Ireland’s refugees quotas proportion­ally lags behind our EU counterpar­ts.

Refugees always do their best to integrate as much as possible and have successful­ly done so when given the opportunit­y in Ireland.

But they’re certainly going to feel much less welcome here after these two fires.

These unfortunat­e souls are traumatise­d and grief-stricken enough as it is – so the last thing they need is to be burdened with such added fears.

So much for cead mile failte – it seems more like cead mile f*** off.



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