Irish Sunday Mirror

The name game

Hidden in the grid is the name of a classic actor. Answer the questions, then rearrange the letters correspond­ing to your answers to fill in the name.


BOX1: Which Twilight star is currently appearing in BBC comedy Cuckoo?

Robert Pattinson (C) Kristen Stewart (N) Taylor Lautner (I)

BOX2: What was Melanie Chisholm’s Spice Girls nickname?

Baby (D) Sporty (L) Scary (Y)

BOX3: In what country would one find the Lena river?

Brazil (M) Russia (B) China (O)

BOX4: Which king was deposed in 1399?

Richard II (G) Edward III (H) Henry IV (I)

BOX5: Who wrote the novel The Master and Margarita?

Mikhail Bulgakov (A) Louis de Bernieres (F) Italo Calvino (I)

BOX6: Who directed the 1974 film The Sugarland Express?

Stanley Kubrick (K) Martin Scorsese (P) Steven Spielberg (S)

BOX7: How many UK no 1 hits did Billy Ocean (pictured) have?

One (O) Three (G) Five (E)

BOX8: Which chemical element has the symbol Hg?

Hydrogen (U) Mercury (L) Tungsten (V)

BOX9: Which artist painted Nighthawks?

Paul Klee (G) Edward Hopper (E) Henri Matisse (S)

BOX10: Which of these countries does NOT use the Euro?

Switzerlan­d (U) Belgium (W) Estonia (L)

Solutions in next week’s Sunday Mirror

 ??  ??
 ??  ??

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