Irish Sunday Mirror

Rubbish task to clean up country


IRELAND’S mountains of trash are uncovered in a documentar­y which exposes how we dump €3million worth of food every day.

The series revealed it takes an army of 44,000 workers to clean up after the nation. In a single day we use over half a million toilet rolls and wash 700,000 machine loads of clothes. David f Duff, at Thorntons Recycling Depot, sifts ff through tons of green bin waste to remove rubbish f which is not suitable for recycling.

He said: “People are not aware of the human involvemen­t.”

■ One Day: How Ireland Cleans Up is on RTE One tomorrow at 9.35pm.

IRELAND is now a throwaway nation dumping a staggering €3million worth of food every day.

With so many hungry and homeless, surely this food could feed thousands who are badly in need of a good meal.

And when shopping we need to choose food carefully – don’t buy it, there’s a chance you will let it go out of date. Otherwise it will only end up in the bin.

But our preoccupat­ion with dumping stuff doesn’t stop at food. We dipose of one million nappies a day.

Sadly, the mountain of trash discarded includes fly-tippers who ruin our beauty spots illegally dumping tonnes of rubbish.

Our throwaway society means there is a 44,000-strong army of workers out there to clean up after us.

They do everything from removing fake tan and make-up from hotel bedroom sheets to sifting through green bins to remove nappies and gone-off good.

We need to look at our habits which see us throwing out 500,000 paper and plastic cups along with 1.5 million drink cans – every day.

We can all do our bit to keep our country green.

Dublin has just been rated one of the greenest cities on the planet. Let’s keep Ireland beautiful.

 ??  ?? READY TO RECYCLE David Duff at depot in Dublin
READY TO RECYCLE David Duff at depot in Dublin
 ??  ?? ON THE ROAD Binmen in Co Cork
ON THE ROAD Binmen in Co Cork

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