Irish Sunday Mirror

Laughter best500 medicine for Farmer Michael

Paralysed comedian on his recovery


their comedy sketches centred around Steve’s character Farmer Michael and wife Kathleen – racking up over 20 million views for their “F**k the Mayweather­s” skit.

Steve, who now uses crutches and a wheelchair to get around, said he could never have envisioned the path his life was going to take following his accident.

He told the Irish Sunday Mirror: “I always had a sense of humour and that got me through it and I was going through a dark period when I done the first sketch and it was almost therapeuti­c release. It was cathartic in a way to have this comedy outlet.” Since starting out the couple has gathered a following of more than 500,000 people worldwide, had over 100 million views of their sketches and have sold out shows in Ireland and the UK.

But Steve said some people are so offended by their online skits that they have had death threats and online abuse.

He added: “People have never approached me and said what they have said online to me in person.

“As I’m disabled I can’t even do anything to them, I can shout though.” And no topic is out of bounds, with the

Steve Timothy

How many thousand fans are following the pair’s comedy worldwide

couple talking about everything from depression and Donald Trump to gun control and Leo Varadkar.

Sinead said their success has led to them being asked to play in Nigeria, Dubai and South Africa.

She said: “At the start we thought that it was just novelty and that only certain people out there would get it but it has travelled all over the UK and America too.”

Steve added: “Everyone has an uncle or dad that is like Farmer Michael regardless of their culture.”



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