Irish Sunday Mirror

It’s tough love, actually

Films’ age gaps are unfair says Dame Emma


DAME Emma Thompson says movie bosses would have to “dig up” a romantic lead to play opposite her now – because they would still want someone who was 40 years older.

The 61-year-old double Oscar winner said Hollywood sexism means women are never given a toyboy lover – while men such as 59-year-old George Clooney are paired with much younger women.

Emma said: “It’s completely acceptable for George – who is delightful – to have someone 40 years younger than him.

“If I have someone playing opposite me in a romantic way, they have to exhume someone. It’s utterly unbalanced.”

In 2003’s Love Actually, her character’s husband – played by Alan Rickman, eight years her senior – falls for his assistant played by Heike Makatsch, who was 25 years younger. Her film love interests have also included Sir Anthony Hopkins in 1992’s Howards End, and Dustin Hoffman in Last Chance Harvey. Both are more than 20 years older. Dame Emma made her comments as she talked about upcoming movie Good Luck to You, Leo Grande. Written by Katy Brand, it tells of a widow whose late husband had been an unsatisfyi­ng lover, so she decides to seek out a sex therapist in his early 20s. Her character charac comments in the film: “The only people will willing to sleep with me are my age and I want to sl sleep with someone younger than me.” The actress actr still hopes the industry might change, sayi saying: “If people aren’t averse to seeing someone wh who is 61 largely naked, with a very much young younger person, it’s going to be very interestin­g. We’ve W got to keep being brave.”

AGE GAP Dame Emma

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