Irish Sunday Mirror

Allardyce: I’ll button it for now


SAM ALLARDYCE says he is going to wind his neck in – until he starts picking up a few victories at West Brom.

The manager, who has enjoyed rubbing rivals up the wrong way, is going to put a sock in it until he can get the Baggies firing on all cylinders again.

Allardyce has famously crossed swords with Arsene Wenger, Jurgen Klopp and Jose Mourinho – and pretty much anyone of note – during a variety of spells in the Premier League.

But he claimed he is batting on a sticky wicket until the Black Country club start winning again.

He said: “I’m not in a position to wind anyone up at the moment – until I know what the capabiliti­es of my team are.

“I can’t get involved in what other teams and managers are doing.

“At the moment, we are just looking at the shape of their teams and what their weaknesses are.

“In terms of winding people up, it’s not for me to get into anything that I used to before. I used to love doing that.

“Everyone used to think that tittle-tattle was what managers at the top of the league used to do – which was a load of nonsense.

“We could all do it and we could all wind each other up. It’s just finding something to wind them up about.

“We need a couple of wins before all that starts again. If we can do that, it will kick off again, 100 per cent it will.”

Allardyce says that a trip to Anfield is “the toughest task anyone will face this season”.

He added: “They looked in an unstoppabl­e mood against Palace.”

 ??  ?? THE VOICE Allardyce will only sing when he’s winning
THE VOICE Allardyce will only sing when he’s winning

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