Irish Sunday Mirror


March 21–April 20



Although you are restless and a little tense about keeping on top of all the things you can and can’t do, you will avoid making any rash decisions. You are longing for change and something tells you that it will be easier in the future to fulfil travel dreams put on hold in the last year. For more call


April 21 – May 21 Taking the safe road is always an attractive option for you and one you prefer to go for. Yet the riskier path appeals at this particular time. You’re tired of routine, of restrictio­ns and of familiarit­y. You’re ready to take a risk or two if this is what might get you out of a rut. For more call

1560 932202 Gemini

May 22 –June 21 You cannot have it all. You are torn between one possibilit­y and another. Once you have made this important choice, then you need to be willing to live with it and the consequenc­es. Make a personal vow that whatever occurs in the future due to this decision, you will not be resentful. For more call


June 22 –July 23 A hold up with cash payments owed to you will at last sort itself out. This will bring you a lot of relief. Just don’t be tempted to go on a wild spending spree and splash out on items you do not actually need. Think ahead and set yourself a sensible new budget for the New Year. For more call


July 24 – August 23 Discuss your plans for the future with a friend who knows you well. They will offer some objective advice. Spend a little time developing your ideas. If you push them aside for another time, you will forget about them altogether. Setting yourself long-term goals keeps you motivated.

For more call


Aug 24– Sept 23 You might have to take a hard line when a child or youngster in the family tries to go against your wishes. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. You normally prefer to stick with what’s familiar but a calculated risk could actually pay off. A communicat­ion will also be intriguing. For more call 1560 932206


Sept 24–Oct 23 Some big changes are ahead. Work out what is and what could be yours in times to come and keep this all in mind as you decide on your own goals. Keep both feet firmly on the ground and keep your focus on your main intentions. Remember to look after your own interests. For more call 1560 932207


Oct 24 – Nov 22 A job offer will be everything you dreamed of in the past but when you think about it, it doesn’t mean so much to you now. Whereas this time last year, you would have seized this opportunit­y with both hands, now you have other things to consider. You need more time to think about it. For more call


Nov 23 – Dec 21 Something is brewing. You feel a change in the air and sense the New Year will bring something very different to what you are used to. An offer or opportunit­y will mark a turning point in your life. Be prepared to give this some careful thought even though you know you will soon be changing direction. For more call


Dec 22 –Jan 20 You’re noticing how other people are putting too much faith in technology. Without equipment, some jobs might seem impossible but knowledge and expertise is lost when pressing a button takes so little learning. You might set up a local group to encourage others to develop personal skills. For more call


Jan 21 – Feb 19 It can feel, at times, as if some matters are out of your hands. In a work situation, someone else is pulling the strings and you won’t always agree with their decisions. You are wondering if something can be done about this. An opportunit­y to turn your back on a toxic situation will present itself. For more call

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20

If you’re confused about plans for the future, a walk will clear away those mental cobwebs. You need to keep your head clear as this will mean decision-making is easier. There are a few loose ends that will need tying up before you can strike out in new directions as you are hoping to do. For more call 1560 932212

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