Irish Sunday Mirror

Be a leader of the pack


Missed your holidays over the past two years of the pandemic? Of course you have! Missed the stress of packing? Of course you haven’t!

Nobody packs more like a pro than an airline’s cabin crew so, with travel restarting after Covid restrictio­ns, we asked Emirates’ Dubai-based Rhiannon Corbett, from Wiltshire, for her top tips:

Packing list

This is essential as it saves time and also reduces the chances of forgetting anything important.

Time travel

Staying organised and prepared is essential for a successful trip. Time your packing well in advance and it’s less likely you’ll forget those smaller items and essentials.

You’ll also feel less stressed before your flight, with everything ready to go.

Weather or not?

Check the forecast before you go to prevent overpackin­g and to ensure you are packing appropriat­ely for the climate. Pro tip: Take versatile items that can be used in more than one way, for instance, clothes that are flexible enough to cover a variety of situations.

It’s a smart way to keep your packing list to a minimum and give yourself enough room.

Adapt and survive

It’s a savvy idea to carry a selection of travel adaptors for all your different devices. You never know what plugs will be available at your destinatio­n.

Space race 1

Leave room in your luggage for any souvenirs or extra shopping you might do on your trip.

Space race 2

And to maximise the room you have in your suitcase… DO consider rolling your clothes rather than folding, you’ll get more in and it cuts down on creases. DO try using packing cubes – they’re a great way to compress clothing and accessorie­s, organise your items and prevent them moving around while travelling. DO wear your heaviest items if you can, rather than packing them. Coats and jackets take up crucial space in your case. DON’T overpack, try to take only what you actually intend to use. Anything you forget, or emergency items, can usually be purchased at your destinatio­n.

Travel-friendly toiletries

DO consider using refillable travel bottles. They are good for the environmen­t and they prevent you from taking more product than you need!

Label them with a smudge-proof pen. Pro tip: Keep your toiletries in a clear, waterproof cosmetic bag.

It’s easier to see everything you have packed, and will prevent any spills from leaking into the rest of your bag.

Read the room

Pack a good book. It’s a great way to kick back and give time for yourself while travelling, plus it’s an ideal activity to do before going to sleep on the plane.

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