Irish Sunday Mirror



reduces hormones that tell us we’re hungry and increases those that confirm we’re full.

For example, in one study, adults who chewed each mouthful of pizza 40 times compared with 15 times, felt less hungry.

Choosing foods that need more chewing can therefore help to improve satiety, for example, try lean steak over mince, apples over bananas, nuts over crisps, or raw carrots over cucumber. Chewing sugar-free gum between meals has also been shown to reduce hunger and the desire to eat.

Add water to food

Studies show adding water to meals – for example, turning main courses into stews, casseroles or chunky soups – is an easy way to enjoy bigger portions without extra calories, and this increases fullness and reduces hunger.

Drinking a glass of water alongside a meal doesn’t seem to have the same effect – water added to food slows down the speed food leaves the stomach compared to when it’s consumed separately.

ALMONDS: Snacking on a handful of almonds mid-morning has been shown to reduce hunger and results in eating less at lunch and dinner. Other research found almonds were more satisfying than crackers. It’s the natural combo of protein, fibre and their crunchy texture that makes almonds such good hunger busters.

PORRIDGE: Compared with an oaty breakfast cereal, porridge has been shown to increase fullness, reduce hunger and the desire to eat, and result in lower calorie intakes at lunchtime. It’s thanks to beta-glucans, a type of soluble fibre in oats, which slows down the speed food leaves the stomach.


SOUP: Many studies suggest soup fills us up, helps with weight loss and boosts nutrient intakes. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found soup eaters typically dropped 70 calories and had less fat in a day but more fibre, vitamin A, magnesium, iron, copper and potassium than non-soup eaters. Watch your salt intake though, and skip soups with cream.

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