New Ross Standard



1 Margin, 2 Oilman, 3 Napkin, 4 Tocsin, 5 Yeomen, 6 Poison, 7 Austin, 8 Notion, 9 Eleven, 10 Saloon, 11 Airmen, 12 Radian. CELEBRITY: Monty Panesar. C. Count Leo Tolstoy, D. Fyodor Dostoevsky.

6. In which country can koalas be found in the wild?

A. Australia, B. Brazil, C. Madagascar, D. Mexico.

7. What sort of organism is fly agaric? A. A chicory, B. A mushroom, C. A pear, D. A gooseberry.

8. Who became chancellor of West Germany in 1982?

A. Branko Mikulic, B. Tadeusz Mazowiecki, C. Gustav Husak, D. Helmut Kohl.

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