New Ross Standard


- by Carlos O’Connor


October 24 – November 23

Instead of putting others first, try going for what you want this week. It will make you feel better and that progress is being made. After all, if your frame of mind is positive, how much easier it is to then help others! Friends can be confused over your sharp changes in direction. Teamwork is your forte. Even so, look after your health and make your own wellbeing a priority. Your Luck: Being a part of something big suits you well enough.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

As much as you try to avoid showing others how clever you are, this week it is unavoidabl­e. Accept that there are some things that you do better than others. Good for you! Avoid irritating others by being too modest. A smile and a thank you will do, if you must go low-key. Someone who is able to answer your questions is at hand. This could be a two-way exchange of great minds. Your Luck: Make the most of any chance to increase your knowledge.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

Enjoying those around you is a pleasure this week and a smooth-running social life is paramount. Although there are some practical things to be dealt with, intuition tells you to use your imaginatio­n and instincts. As someone who likes to keep to straight lines, this could go against what you believed. So, this is where a big decision needs making. How much depends on it we will see. Your Luck: Experience is telling you one thing and your instinct another.


October 24 – November 22

When life falls into place for you it sometimes feels too good to be true. This week should be enjoyed for what it is. Each good phase deserves your full attention. Give love where it is due. That love will come back to you in the future. Take something a bit more seriously when you realise that it has turned into something special. Taken by surprise? Go with it. Your Luck: Prestige comes and goes in life but at this time it seems to be staying with you.


February 20 – March 20

The main aim for this week should be to encourage love and avoid stress. If that means taking a break and staying in a dark and warm place with a loved one, then so be it. Sometimes the silliness around you just becomes irritating and even a bit alien. Talk of the future both to yourself and another. Refuse to let life get complicate­d. Simplicity is, for you, the key to contentmen­t. Don’t be persuaded otherwise. Your Luck: You know your needs best.

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Enjoying those around you is a pleasure this week and a smooth-running social life is paramount. Although there are some practical things to be dealt with, intuition tells you to use your imaginatio­n and instincts. As someone who likes to keep to straight lines, this could go against what you believed. So, this is where a big decision needs making. How much depends on it we will see. Your Luck: Experience is telling you one thing and your instinct another.

Sagittariu­s November 23 - December 21

This week you don’t have to know everything to make progress. Ever heard of learning on the job? Be prepared to get closer to others and ask lots of questions. People love to talk about themselves (and others!) There is informatio­n here that is as gold dust. In finding out about others and what their motives are, everything begins to make sense. Your Luck: Press a few emotional buttons to bring others to your point of view.


March 21 – April 20

Great conversati­ons and a feeling of belonging run through this week. As close as you are to someone, though, remember that you do not own them. Freedom for both of you to make other connection­s is essential. What would you have to talk about anyway if you lived in each other’s pockets? Strong and exciting partnershi­ps, both at home and work, filter and refine your need for a bit of drama in your life. Your Luck: Fun is your middle name.


July 22 – August 23

When seeking to understand others it is helpful to understand your own motives first. Could it be wasting time to even pursue a current plan? Look and listen before making any snap decisions. If truth is really wanted, then ego cannot come into it. Is it so very hard to accept help? Progress is fast as soon as you admit there is another way to solve a dilemma. Your Luck: It is in everyone’s interests for you to succeed, remember that.

Capricorn December 22 - January 20

A big blip in your finely tuned life could take you by surprise. Be prepared to stand aside from what is expected and try to embrace dynamic changes. In other words, ‘go with the flow’. This will avoid stress and frustratio­n. Have you considered that this is a golden opportunit­y to take an exciting path to the future? It may not be the one you expected, but it is well signposted. Your Luck: Talk as much as you like but actions speak louder than words.

Taurus April 21 – May 21

What you have should be a solid base from which to explore other options. Both at home and away, life is an extension of a long-held wish. Although work is taking up quite a bit of time, leisure is also taking a fresh turn. Younger members of the family are especially happy to join in. Taking things as they come and letting everything wash over you is certainly relaxing. Your Luck: Be sure to keep work and home separate at this time.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

What do you really want and does it even exist? This may seem a strange question but it is one that should be easily enough answered. The trick is in answering it honestly. Continuing on a mission without end is in no-one’s interests. Taking a different approach is not to be seen as giving up. Romance seems so mixed up with other things. You can change that with a simple approach. Your Luck: A small change in direction now can change everything for the better.

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