New Ross Standard

2-Speed Crossword

Choose either the quick or cryptic clues – answers are the same.



4. Have respect for apparition (7) 8. Carrier of verse with cover (6) 9. The original competitor­s in the rat race? (7) 10. Being lazy, I’d gather heather (6) 11. I’m semi-mute, half gone. That makes me exempt (6) 12. Snaffled, having handy places of habit (8) 18. Wave, change tune and laud (8) 20. Got a move on, apparently by blackmail (6) 21. Rocks are child’s play (6) 22. Old stager, his life less private than it sounds (7) 23. Cut back like a plum? (6) 24. Release the pawnbroker who lost a century and gained the remains (7)


1. Shrill little people, in good health but fishy (7) 2. Gather for prayer? (7) 3. Board meeting provides medium interest (6) 5. The profession­al dived around and got supplies (8) 6. Takes the best for a lady’s make-up (6) 7. Naval reprimand? (6) 13. Proclaims president and aliens (8) 14. Hiding - from sunburn? (7) 15. South easterly whisper on the beach (7) 16. Bear right, turn North. It’s fruitless (6) 17. Sharp as ballet costume finally altered (6) 19. Arise, draw up, going ever higher (6)


4. Ghost (7) 8. Covered (6) 9. Small mammals (7) 10. Loitering (6) 11. Impervious (6) 12. Stole (8) 18. Move in waves (8) 20. Kidnapper’s payment (6) 21. Moves to and fro (6) 22. Dependable worker (7) 23. Cut back (6) 24. Free (7)


1. Crustacean­s (7) 2. Accumulate (7) 3. Spirituali­sts’ meeting (6) 5. Catered (8) 6. Skims milk (6) 7. Ranking (6) 13. Instrument­s (8) 14. Going brown (7) 15. Resort (7) 16. Sterile (6) 17. Perceptive (6) 19. Moving higher (6)

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