New Ross Standard



GARDAÍ are examining the possibilit­y that a gang who attacked a pensioner in his rural home also targeted a nearby house in a burglary two days later. The 73-year-old man is recovering after being assaulted on Tuesday night. A Garda investigat­ion is under way into the attack on the farmer, who lives alone in Carroreigh, just off the old New Ross to Wexford road.

A LOCAL pensioner is recovering having been assaulted and threatened by a gang at his home on Tuesday night.

A major garda investigat­ion is under way into the attack on the farmer who lives alone in Carroreigh, just off the old New Ross to Wexford road. A sum of money was stolen in the raid on the vulnerable man.

Meanwhile a shed behind a house in Adamstown was broken into on Thursday and gardaí are investigat­ing the possibilit­y that there is a link between the two crimes.

The man was at home when a gang arrived at some time between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. The men demanded money from the man and got a small amount of cash before leaving the farmhouse, locking the door behind them so the occupant couldn’t leave and taking his phone which was later recovered nearby.

The old man had to leave through a rear window. He made his way to a neighbour’s house on foot. Gardaí arrived at the scene shortly afterwards, taking the victim to Wexford General Hospital for treatment to his injuries which were described as minor.

Superinten­dent John McDonald described the attack as despicable, saying the farmer was left badly shaken.

‘When he eventually got to his neighbour’s house he was very traumatise­d. Thankfuly there were no serious injuries. They had threatened to tie him up, but didn’t once they got all the cash he had. He didn’t have money stored in the house,’ Supt McDonald said.

The man was assessed at Wexford General Hospital and released after examinatio­ns that night.

‘As with anyone in a situation like this he was very traumatise­d. He stayed with his neighbours over night and they did a great job sheltering him and looking after him.’

Meanwhile the scene at the farmhouse was preserved and an extensive technical examinatio­n was carried out. Door to door enquiries took place on Wednesday and the elderly man was interviewe­d at length by gardaí. ‘He is a resilient man who plans to return to his home. We are keeping an open mind in relation to the case. It is the third aggravated burglary we have had in my time. We’ve caught one, but we did not have enough to go on in the first incident. This was a despicable attack on a vulnerable person on his own in his own home private dwelling and we are appealing with people to help us solve this.’

He said someone with prior knowledge of the location carried out the attack. Supt McDonald is appealing for anyone who saw a speeding car or a suspicious vehilce in the Caroriegh, Adamstown, Camross areas on the night and in the days and weeks leading up to last Tuesday night to contact gardaí in New Ross on 051 426030 or on the Garda Confidenti­al Line on 1800 666111. He is also looking for anyone with CCTV living along the old Wexford road to contact gardaí.

Meanwhile two burglars were disturbed in a house in Adamstown on Thursday at 10.30 p.m., having stolen around €1,400 in power tools.

Supt McDonald said they crashed their small red hatchback car into sleepers at the entrance to the property after the house owner returned home. Another vehicle was found in a field nearby.

‘We are technicall­y examining the vehicles and we’re trying to establish ownership of the car to see if the car has any connection with the earlier crime. The reg of one car was removed and we are trying to see if the reg on the other car is correct.’

The gang remain at large and the tools have not been located. They include an angle grinder, a small transforme­r, a silver consaw and a hedge trimmer.

 ??  ?? Supt. John McDonald: ‘he was very traumatise­d’.
Supt. John McDonald: ‘he was very traumatise­d’.

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