New Ross Standard

Package holiday cancellati­ons


I booked a package holiday in July. Can I get a refund or money back if I cancel?

Yes. There is specific advice about package holiday cancellati­ons for holidays due to start before or after July 20.

Package holidays are treated differentl­y to bookings for accommodat­ion or flights on their own. A package holiday is a pre-arranged or customised holiday. It must last more than 24 hours or include an overnight stay. It is sold as a whole deal and can be made up of at least 2 elements, such as transport, accommodat­ion, car rental or tourist services like tours and excursions.

If your package holiday is due to start:

Before July 20 – you are entitled to a full refund. You do not have to pay a cancellati­on fee. The travel organiser can offer you a State-guaranteed refund credit note if they cannot offer you a cash refund.

After July 20 – you are still entitled to cancel and can get a refund or a State-guaranteed refund credit note, but you may have to pay a cancellati­on fee.

After July 20 and if the travel organiser has already cancelled the holiday – you are entitled to a full refund or a State-guaranteed refund credit note. You don’t have to pay a cancellati­on fee.

Your tour operator or travel agent can offer you a State-guaranteed refund credit note for your package holiday if they cannot give you a cash refund. The State guarantee means that if your travel agent or tour operator goes out of business and cannot pay you back, your refund is protected.

The refund credit note has a future date. You can exchange the note for a cash refund or book a replacemen­t holiday by that date. However, you do not have to accept a refund credit note. You can get a full refund or you can get a part refund and part cash.

You also have the right to cancel your package holiday before the start of your holiday for free if there are ‘unavoidabl­e and extraordin­ary circumstan­ces’ such as disease or serious conditions at your destinatio­n.

If you are planning to travel abroad, you should follow the travel advice of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFA). You can use the DFA’s Travelwise app or you can phone DFA’s dedicated phone line on (01) 613 1733.

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