New Ross Standard

Pope invited to visit Wexford during tour

July 1979


Pope John Paul II may visit Wexford during his three-day visit to Ireland in the autumn. If he does, the scenes of welcome which could be expected would even surpass those experience­d at the time of President Kennedy’s Wexford visit, sixteen years ago.

The Holy Father’s itinerary for his pastoral tour from September 29th to October 1st has yet to be drawn up, but when it is, Wexford could be one of the locations included.

The confidence stems from an invitation issued to the Pope this week to visit the historic borough.

It comes from Wexford Corporatio­n, and in particular from the Mayor, Cllr. John Roche, who is extremely anxious that the Pontiff should include Wexford on his tour.

He is almost certain to visit Dublin, Shannon, Knock, Maynooth and Drogheda, but if he travels by helicopter, as expected, he could easily reach other areas too – Wexford amongst them.

On Tuesday, Cllr. Roche asked the Borough Accountant, Mr John Kennedy, to draft a letter to send to the Papal Nuncio, Dr. Alibrandi, inviting the 58-year-old Polish Pope to the town.

In it, reasons why the Pope should come to Wexford are outlined. The seminary at St. Peter’s College is mentioned and its long associatio­n with missionary work.

So too is Cardinal Tomás O Fiach, who studied in St. Peter’s College and was ordained there in 1948. When Cardinal O Fiach recently received the Red Hat from Pope John Paul in Rome, the President of the College, Fr. Gahan, was present.

The Bishop of Ferns, Dr. Donal Herlihy, is also mentioned in the letter. He has a long and close associatio­n with Rome, where he studied for many years, and although he has never met the Pope, he is a great admirer of the man.

And finally, Dr. Alibrandi is told of Our Lady’s Island and the shrine to Our Lady, where thousands go on pilgrimage each year. Pope John Paul has a particular devotion to Our Lady and would surely be eager to visit the shrine if he came to Wexford.

The letter is to be posted later this week and all involved will be anxiously waiting upon a response.

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