New Ross Standard




There is still time to join Gusserane GAA club’s very successful lotto Syndicate fundraiser which is due to commence on Saturday, August 1. The original start date was suspended due to Covid-19 restrictio­ns. The annual cost is €240 per entry (€20 per month). This includes you in the club’s lotto syndicate where the hope is that the syndicate will land a major National Lottery win during the course of the year. It also includes a Model County Draw where you will be in with three monthly chances of winning a car, among many other prizes. Two lucky members of the Syndicate will also be drawn from the hat each month where they will win €100 each. There will also be a draw for all fully paid up members. Proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the running of the club and the constructi­on of a gym at Tom Somers Park in Gusserane. Constructi­on is expected to commence very shortly. The club’s ability to fundraise this year has been severely hampered due to social distancing and other restrictio­ns. Your support once again would be greatly appreciate­d. Tickets can be bought From club members or by contacting Shane Cullen at 087 9924994.


Our Intermedia­te hurlers play Our Lady’s Island in St Patrick’s Park on Friday, July 24, at 7.30 p.m. Our Junior B hurlers start their campaign against Horeswood in Gusserane next weekend also. Fixtures are liable to change so please keep an eye on the Gusserane Twitter and Facebook pages for updates. Attendance at these games are very restricted due to Government guidelines so you can follow the progress of our lads on the Gusserane Twitter page @ GORahillys.


It is great to see the wall at the post office cross in Gusserane undergoing repairs at the moment following its inexplicab­le destructio­n during the Lockdown. Credit is due to the local tradesman who is restoring the wall to its former state.


Following on from our recent look at the history of the church in Gusserane we will now focus one one of the more colourful priests who served in the curacy many years ago. Fr Edward Kavanagh (or Fr Big Ned as he was referred to) was a native of the Gorey area who was transferre­d to Gusserane in 1844.

His time in Gusserane coincided with the Famine years where the people of our parish suffered the same hardships as those all over the country. He reportedly worked with ‘might and main’ to save the people from starvation and he bought and borrowed beyond his means for that purpose. As a result of his efforts he was made bankrupt by the shopkeeper­s of New Ross and had to resign from his post in November 1850. He then emigrated to Buenos Aires and settled in the area of Rio de la Pata where he was made the Assistant Chaplain

in the rural area of Buenos Aires. The large Irish population in Buenos Aires at the time were divided into four chaplainci­es in 1856 and Fr Kavanagh was assigned to the south region where he worked till his resignatio­n due to health reasons. After a long illness Big, Fr Ned died at Estancia in San Francisco Bragada in Buenos Aires in 1888, aged 79 years.

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