New Ross Standard

Pub Quiz

- Peter Finch, D. Ray Milland.

1. Which Spanish city holds an annual fiesta in which bulls are driven through the streets?

A. Madrid, B. Pamplona, C. Malaga, D. Barcelona.

2. From which tree does the chewing gum ingredient chicle come?

A. Elm tree, B. Palm tree, C. Ash tree, D. Sapodilla tree.

3. Who wrote The Bottle Factory Outing and The Dressmaker?

A. Beryl Stevenson, B. Beryl Bainbridge, C. Beryl Bruce, D. Beryl Robinson.

4. Which Oscar-winning actor was born Reginald Truscott-Jones?

A. Robert DeNiro, B. Richard Dreyfuss, C.

5. Of which planet are Titania and Oberon satellites?

A. Jupiter, B. Uranus, C. Saturn, D. Mars.

6. Kirsten Dunst plays which character in the Spider-Man films directed by Sam Raimi?

A. Mary Jane, B. Aunt May, C. Louise, D. Gwen.

7. What sort of creature is a pipistrell­e? A. A frog, B. A bird, C. A bat, D. A lizard.

8. The Scottish writer James Boswell is primarily remembered for his 1791 biography of which writer?

A. Robert Burns, B. William Shakespear­e, C. Chaucer, D. Samuel Johnson.

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