RTÉ Guide

Stars Sagittariu­s

Your horoscopes with Sarah Delamere Hurding



March 21 – April 20

A new deal is well-starred, and you should be able to negotiate an upgrade. The lover of your dreams is just around the corner, so keep your eyes open! Do not put that special person too much on a pedestal – they are flesh and blood, and need you to warm up. Things will take just a little while longer, so wait it out and be patient. There will be plenty of compliment­s winging your way before too long. Recognitio­n in the workplace will also be yours to enjoy.


April 21 – May 21

On the love front, prepare to play that ace up your sleeve, and those smug smiles will be wiped before too long. e best anti-ageing treatment is an inner resolve to remain youthful from the inside out, and what’s more, it is free. Shock tactics are needed to win a special heart. Lighten up and smile a bit. Laughter lines are more attractive and will bring you what you want. Or at least a little bit more of what you fancy, which can’t be bad!


May 22 – June 22

Do not hold yourself back with negativity. It is only a matter of time before the big turnaround you have been expecting. Indeed, at this stage you richly deserve it. Prepare for what you have been focusing on to come about. Even so, it will all take you by surprise as it falls into place. You must not force it. If you are determined enough, what you are hoping for will come about. Persistenc­e holds the key to your success.


June 23 – July 23

Carry on with that positive vibe. The universe responds to our deep-seated belief system. Keep it bright! You are giving off the good stuff and soon you will get great results. It just takes time. The universe knows better than we do how things should run. Trust the process you find yourself in. Change is inevitable and you will not do yourself any favours if you resist it. Keep things right and bright. You are entitled to hope for the best and dream your dreams.


July 24 – August 23

Do not give up. Hold onto the good luck factor. Good breakthrou­ghs are in the air and fast approachin­g. Life and love are about to surprise you. Life seems to be having a merry giggle at your expense. Start to laugh back and see what happens! You may feel like you are tottering on a tightrope traversing a precipice. It really is not that drastic. You would do well to preserve your optimism and so, your sanity! Re-educate your perception of what is going down.


August 24 – September 23

There really is no point in holding useless thoughts. Release the pressure and exercise forgivenes­s. In love, you are making an impression alright. Just be sure it is the right one! Anyone would be seduced by the magic you are weaving. Use your powers wisely. It is time to be a little less cautious. Tap into your own creativity and originalit­y. Are you spouting in an attempt to impress the right people? Silence is golden if you are wobbling.


September 24 – October 23

In love, do not put your foot in it. Your patience will be rewarded. Stepping on toes is an uncomforta­ble experience, especially when you realise too late that this is what you have been doing. Step lightly and tread carefully! Avoid elaboratio­n unless you know what you are dealing with. Tell no lies and you will not have to remember anything. Be cautious, respectful and careful. You would regret a misdemeano­ur at this stage. In love, play it straight, even as you play to win.


October 24 – November 22

Exciting events are at hand. Fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride. A rest from a hectic work schedule would be ideal: pace yourself in all things. Your vulnerable side can be quite charming, so why not use all the tricks in the book to make an impression? Do not lose heart; stay upbeat. It is possible you are feeling hard done by but do not despair. Before the month is up, your hard work will pay off.

November 23 – December 21

There is no need to panic even though people around you may be tense. Serenity is yours if you simply access the stillness within. Centre yourself and stay cool. Make sure that you do not get side-tracked by a romantic liaison. Your instincts never let you down, so continue to trust them even though you might have to act against your better judgement. Do not neglect what counts. Use the full force of your intellect in a legal matter and trust the system to serve justice in this case.


December 22 – January 20

Proceed with confidence. Wait for what you really desire and do not settle. Be aware of what you can do to improve a situation. Something less than perfect can be redeemed by your good self; adjust to any uncertaint­y and conflict. Destiny lends a hand. Disillusio­n will dissolve in the blink of an eye. There are some spectacula­r breakthrou­ghs on the horizon. You will soon get the insights you need to close a chapter and move on. Perhaps you judged someone or something harshly?


January 21 – February 19

It is not easy admitting a mistake, but you will have to do just that in order to embrace your destiny. Even as things land in your lap, make moves. An independen­t spirit serves you well. This time next year, you will appreciate that you could not have planned things better if you had tried. So, continue to have faith and do not assume that you made a wrong turn. Go with the flow if a particular relationsh­ip is causing you grief. Do not make a premature move.


February 20 – March 20

The universe will keep your spirit buoyant and you will not be tested beyond what you can endure. Therefore be comforted in your strength. Love and faith see you through. Guard your financial and legal concerns carefully. Do not be too free with confidenti­al matters. By all means, take colleagues at face value but be aware of their agendas at the same time. Your instincts are on good form so capitalise on the inside informatio­n that seems to be dropping from the skies.

 ?? ?? Star of the week Bono, May 10, 1960
Star of the week Bono, May 10, 1960

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